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Passed out at work :/

I was working today about 32 hours into a dry fast (it’s not anything serious I quite literally stand around and press buttons), and I started feeling super hot and cold and went to go sit in the break room. Idk what happened after that but I remember hearing some stuff fall and when I opened my eyes my sweet coworker was running to get me water and I was on the ground! It was really embarrassing and I had to leave early :( I’ve been dry fasting on and off since last week and I’ve been fasting in general for months but I’ve never passed out/blacked out before, I’ve come close in the shower but not from just standing in place

Does anyone have any tips to combat this? I don’t want to stop dry fasting I really do enjoy it :)

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Your body is telling you to stop. Dry fasting can be great, but it’s stressful on the body. A slow and steady approach is my advice. I would drink and eat normally for a while to allow your body to recover. Again, obviously I really support dry fasting, but it’s about your health. Your body is telling you to stop right now and that’s okay.


firstly thank you for sharing this and having the courage to be upfront about what can happen in dry fasting. fasting in general for months, dry fasting on and off fora week, and almost passing out in the shower; looks like warning signs. did you have any salt during the on and off dry fasting for the week or how about in the past months of fasting?

fasting should not be a constant activity to put the body through. probably you were trying to build up your endurance and felt confident given your success from the previous months. however what happened at your job is not a good look whatsoever and if there were discussions about fasting before it definitely proved any doubt the people had, sorry this happened to you.

like others have written take a long time off fasting and if you can get bloodwork done to find out what reasons caused the faint. i’m guessing it could’ve been hyponatremia or maybe a combination of electrolyte deficiency.

thankfully you did not faint while driving! whenever you get back into fasting, allow your body to recover its electrolytes, very important in safeguarding against faints. carry salt with you whenever you’re fasting, trust it makes fainting less likely to happen. the only way you’ll know fs in how your body maintains electrolytes is through bloodwork. you might need more salt or some other electrolyte than bigger guy for all we know.

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