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The Costco Giant Muffin Diet

This has worked for me before and it seems to be working again. The giant Muffins at Costco and Sam’s are about 670 calories.

I eat a blueberry muffin with a glass of milk at lunch and anything I want for dinner.

I’m down 3 lbs in 10 days. Your mileage may vary depending on how many calories you previously scarfed for lunch.

If you’re used to intermittent fasting then this is no hardship at all. Nothing between 6pm and 11:30am.

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Need more info! What’s your calorie budget? Sex, age, starting weight, height? What’s your typical dinner? Because oof, I don’t doubt that this has been successful for you in the past but I’m skeptical as to whether or not this’d work for me (32f, 5’4, 138lb). At 1200 calories, I can’t blow more than half my budget on a glass of milk and carb-sugar-heavy muffin… as DELICIOUS as that sounds right now. :’) It’s difficult enough to eat two hearty protein and fiber-rich meals to hold me over for my 18 or 20h fasts.


A super fun treat (they’re so good!) but that’s like a piece of cake a day, my body needs better nutrients or I feel like crap. It’s like the guy that lost all the weight eating just twinkies, anything that has you in a deficit will work, but it’s what it’s doing to your body in the mean time

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