| | Water Fasting

The healing power of extended fasting.

Last week I finished a 12 day fast. In addition to dropping some weight I was really hoping to address some nagging pain I’ve been dealing with for the last few months.

I’ve been dealing with some really bothersome back pain since I strained my lower back trying to deadlift beyond my limits (never doing that again!). It had gotten to the point where it was interfering with my work because sitting at my desk was painful. In the past I have used extended fasts (3-10 days) to deal with other injuries. I have gotten some pain relief from a slipped disc in my neck, as well as some pain in my foot from an old climbing injury. This pain was more intense than those though, so i wasn’t sure how much of an impact a fast would make.

I’m happy to report that so far, my back pain is not only reduced but entirely gone. It can always still return, especially since my desk job puts me at risk for lower back issues, but so far the relief has been remarkable. Fasting is such an incredibly powerful tool, I wish more people ( especially doctors) knew about it. I’m really hoping that periodic fasts like this can continue to help me deal with aches and pains as I age.

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Stopped deadlifting and squatting and still manage to hit all those groups with other exercises.

While I miss the CNS benefits of the heavy hitters, it’s no fun feeling crippled for days as you get older.


Check out Healing Back Pain by Dr. John Sarno. Literally saved my life and I can lift any way I want. sit, sleep, do whatever in any way I want with zero pain, after being in debilitating pain for 4 years.


This is really interesting. I did something to my lower back a few years ago when lifting something and it seems to have gone through cycles. Right now it’s v painful and similar to what you describe. Pretty much okay when straight (standing, walking, lying down) but when sitting, especially leaning forward sitting it’s excruciating. Doctor seemed to think it’s a muscle issue rather than nerve or skeletal. I’m not sure about that but fascinating to hear extended fasting helped you.


This is interesting… I am considering a 10 day water fast (or green juice fast) and I have severe lower back pain at the moment. I can probably happily deadlift 300lb right now with some warmup, but if I sit on the ground and try to get up, sometimes I am disabled until I can wiggle my way back up. I’m doing yoga 5-6x/day right now trying to strengthen my body, but it’s a slow burn.


You were probably eating things that contributed to inflammation that was hurting your back. Stop eating those things = no back pain. If your back pain comes back, look at what you’ve eaten. Many carb foods contribute to inflammation. Also sometimes something you eat can inflame the gall bladder and cause referred pain to your upper back via the phrenic nerve.


I have lower back pain and it is so much better when I fast. I have a feeling my back pain is related to my IBS. Obviously when I don’t eat my IBS is better/gone. I do think the two are related. The inflammation from my bowel, causes the back pain. Just an idea.


How’s the foot pain?

Your post reminds me of a friend who had a weight lifting accident and hurt his foot many years ago. He’s tried everything from acupuncture to electrotherapy and everything in-between…. everything but a water fast.

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