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The lack of understanding of fasting is so bad asking for legal advice makes you the problem

I quite literally posted for legal advice. Even the fact of mentioning fasting causes me to be downvoted into oblivion and lack of seriousness of my situation. https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/11ntz3n/i_believe_my_fianc%C3%A9_and_i_were_drugged_i_do_not/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf

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I don’t really know what advice to give here – you received completely reasonable advice in that other thread, including:

“Before you go all CSI with the cup, you and your fiance should get looked at by a doctor. It’s much more likely whatever happened was due to factors other than some weird barista drugging you. Talking to the police before even confirming the presence of anything unusual in your system was a weird move.”


“ETA2: Rice and “a” fried egg as your only meal the day before, combined with a stimulant (coffee) the next morning, plus a hectic schedule and a bit of folie a dux is a far more plausible explanation for what you and your fiance experienced.”

If you felt weird go to the doctor, they would be able to test if there were drugs in your system, for health issues that could have caused this, AND determined if there was actually some sort of foodbourne illness at play here.

To this I’d also recommend considering a therapist because jumping from not a lot of food + caffeine resulting in feeling weird to being drugged by an unknown barista (with what motive? With what money for drugs?) Reads as a little paranoid – especially when you consider 1. that baristas are under a lot of time pressure so of course they act weird/scattered* and 2. There are plenty of accidental food contaminants, germs, virii, biological factors, etc. that could have been the cause of this.

*Edit to add: in the original post it said the barista had “weird mannerisms” which doesn’t really say much at all about anything especially when you consider that perfectly well-meaning people deal with things like neurodivergence, tics, etc…which might be seen as “weird mannerisms”.


The mind is powerful, it was probably a bit of hysteria. If one of you started thinking you had symptoms, the other one probably started thinking so too. Highly doubt a barista would drug you and the fact you haven’t gone to a doctor or hospital yet is mind boggling.

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