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Tips for starting a two day fast

I have fasted for 20 hours at a time and now I want to take the plunge and do a 48 hour fast. I haven’t done this before and was wondering if anyone had any tips or things that they felt helped. What can I expect as the stages go on? Any tiredness, extreme hunger ect? Any information or things that they have found that have helped would be really appreciated!

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I am currently 38 hours in to my first 48 hour fast! Here are my thoughts:

  1. I recommend working your way up to 48 hours. In my personal opinion going from 20 to 48 is a big leap! I did a couple 32s and a 36 before stretching to 48.
  2. The last couple meals before you start your fast should be low in carbs, high in healthy fats and high in protein.
  3. Plan all your fast-friendly beverages ahead of time as well as how you’ll get electrolytes.
  4. Any time I’ve felt hunger, I’ve chosen between any of the following beverages: black coffee, hot tea, iced tea (homemade), sparkling water, or plain water. Giving myself a choice each time as to which beverage sounds good at the moment felt very satisfying.
  5. I have a list of distractions: a Target order pickup, a face mask followed by a long hot shower, taking a walk outside, walking on the treadmill inside, watching a TV show, calling or FaceTiming a friend or family member, posting updates on Reddit!
  6. When my partner ate dinner last night, I made myself a giant mug of a tea I don’t usually drink and sipped it slowly. Kept my mouth occupied!

Best of luck, happy to answer any other questions. And keep us all posted!


The first day is the hardest. When I wake up on the 2nd day, I’m no longer hungry and it’s pretty easy to continue. My normal schedule is 3X36 a week but I did throw in a 42 hour for one of those days this past week and could have gone longer. I drink lots of fasting tea, green tea, one coffee, live fermented pickle brine (Salt, water & turmeric) and ice water. As the person before me commented, staying busy really helps! Good luck!


The second day can be harder than the first, (depends on the person and the fast). I find it helpful to remember that most hunger pangs dissipate in 20 minutes. If you find yourself ready to break tell yourself you just have to do 20 more minutes and seek out a distraction. After those 20 minutes it’s likely you won’t be as tempted. Good luck!

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