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What do you think about Thomas Delauer's new video?

He says that fasting is a stressor and you can sort of build a tolerance to it, so you feel refreshed and the fast maybe more useful/ Beneficial When you take a break from it, so he only fasts, I believe 3 days a week at the moment..

That actually makes a lot of sense, but how does that really affect yhings like autophagy?

What do you prefer and what works for you?

Im skinny af, fast metabolism/always been active. I have found for me, 1 meal a day, atm, as long as I get enough of my nutrients and macros, that it is far superior to any other fasting window because it seems as if there is some sort of biological clock that is not done resetting after you eat when all of those spikes, hormones, processes, routines, expectations, emotions, have started.

I think treating fasting as a stressor has it benefits and place, and if you want to maximize those benefits, otherwise, I think I’m okay with one meal a day. Resilience/ life/depression/anxiety, feels better/more manageable since I’ve been doing omad.

My everyday diet consists of.. raw- pecans, walnuts, pistachios, dry roasted- hazelnuts, pistachios. Broccoli, spinach, red onions(red onions with salt pepper and lots of extravirginoliveoil yum, especially when my meat is smithfield all natural frozen sausage, its convenient, and seems much healthier than brown n serve), orange and yellow peppers, and I will rotate out the variety of cheese and meat, and sometimes ill add canned carrots because they work really well for me.

Then some days, i will change out the meat, broccoli, red onions, and extra virgin olive oil for.. butter, garlic, and veg/egg omlet, cheese. And sometimes. When I change out the meat for snapper, I will add in asparagus and celery(celery soooo good with the snapper dish), and change out the red onions for roasted garlic because, when I change out for the snapper that is my 1 day, besides the omelet, that I cook my food.

Sometimes i like bone broth as well. And sometimes some fruit like kiwi/blueberries. Im im also looking to add in variety sometimes with a good tomato sauce and other veggies!

I also make sure to get plenty of water nearly a gallon a day. And make sure to have a Heavy variable heart rate and breathing. For 7 minutes a day. Twice a day.

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I’ve heard of Thomas, but I don’t follow him, I watch WIL on YouTube, What Ive Learned. He put out an interesting video essay today about fasting and shares data on why it’s important to break your fast with proper food (keto) mainly and that’s becomes a bigger factor to your goals

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