| | Water Fasting

What's the point of dry fasting?

I’ve been trying to look at this stuff but I don’t understand any of it except for possibly people trying to rid/cure themselves of something. So besides that why do people dry fast rather than a water fast? (Please provide sources and not just spit out things you’ve heard from others.)

EDIT: Just wanna say to those spam down voting me. Why? I’m only asking in the first place because I’m considering dry fasting and I want to know all the upsides, downsides, and risks in comparison to water fasting as far as weight loss goes.

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We aren’t here to give you all the answers if you’re not willing to do any research yourself. There’s plenty of stuff out there that’s been repeated again and again by people on this sub. If you don’t agree or don’t get it, that’s fine. Move on


I started water fasting about three years ago and began dry fasting journey the beginning of this year. Both are good. Pain injuries, mental focus and anti inflammation works better and faster with dry fasting in my experience.


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