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Why does Vegan protein taste like wood chippings?


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It has nothing to do with veganism directly, but when making products for vegans, companies will often tack on other ideas, like ingredient minimalism or removing gluten.

In this case, the ingredient minimalism means that the agents that make the protein powder mix well have been removed, so it tastes chalky. This is a calculation by the company that a shorter ingredients list is better for sales than a good tasting product.


I’ve had MyProtein’s vegan blend and I also thought it was pretty foul. I think it’s something that’s specific to MyProtein, not vegan protein in general. I would suggest trying other brands. My favorite brands are MRM Veggie Elite and PEScience Select Vegan.


Maybe you’re getting the wrong stuff? I’ve had whey proteins before that had the taste and consistency of snot, it was awful.

My current vegan protein is Chocolate Cereal Milk flavored by Ghost and it’s delicious. GNC has a bunch of vegan powders now, would recommend exploring.


If you’re not vegan or lactose intolerant you should probably switch to whey. Not only does it (most likely) contain way more protein, the protein is also more easily absorbed and has most, if not all, the necessary amino acids.


I’ve had the same in chocolate and I’m currently using the vanilla. I mix it with my overnight oats recipe and it’s doable. If I’m in a pinch I’ll just mix a scoop with straight water. Yeah it’s gross, but I’m not expecting it to be delicious. I’ll just chug it as fast as possible.


I think people get caught up in the chocolate thing with protein powder. There’s a whole world out there, and some flavors do better than others. Personally? I think peanut and peanut butter do far better with plant-based protein than chocolate.

The plant-based protein I use, Vega Sport Premium, has 30 grams of protein per scoop and it’s tasty enough to just mix with water. With something like banana in a smoothie? It’s something I to which I actually look forward.


Just need to explore options. I’ve had whey protein that made me want to gag and toss $50 worth down the toilet.

After taste testing many different vegan option, Simply Orgain (Costco on sale, when they have it) blends well and taste neutral. This allows me to add the supplements I want and have a nice hit of protein.

Keep searching. You can find a version that checks your boxes. You just may have to shell out some cash to reach your goal.

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