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16:8 meals question

I started 16:8, 3 weeks ago. I have lost 2 kg. I start fasting at around 20:00 and finish at 12:00. Then I have an 8 hours eating window.

Total I am eating 2 meals and my breakfast at 12. One is my lunch around 16:00 and the next one is my Dinner at 20:00. Both are normal portions with salad. I am still getting less calories than what is expected for losing weight, like around 1500 cals per day. If one day I eat my dinner at 23:00 then I am fasting for 16 hours after that and have my first meal the following day at 15:00. Would you think this would work? I mean changing the everyday time routine but keeping the 16:8 consistent?

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I think it’s worth a shot. Why not experiment for a couple weeks and see if it works for you. Ultimately, you want to lose weight but in such a way that is conducive to your daily schedule. I would test it out.

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