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How many meals a day with 16:8?

I’m easing my way into IF. I’m wondering, for folks on a 16:8 schedule - how many meals a day do you schedule? 8 hours of an eating window doesn’t seem to be enough time for me to want to eat three meals. I try to finish dinner by 7pm, which puts my start time at 11:00am (usually a large salad but can be other things). I’ll usually get hungry again around 3-4, but If I eat a meal then I won’t be hungry for dinner in 3 hours. But it’s too early for dinner (can’t cook till after work anyway) which I eat between 6-7. So my solution is a mid-afternoon snack (pre dinner) which once snacking starts it can be bad news….

If I’m only eating 2 meals, then I don’t need an 8 hour eating window - I’m better off moving to a 17:7 or 18:6 IF, otherwise I find myself snacking just because I can (am within the window). This means starting my eating window later like at noon or 1pm, which is hard on my schedule as I need to be on the go before then and makes eating a large salad near impossible, and makes taco stand food more likely.

I’ve also heard/read that the 16:8 is the most sustainable long term for most people and is effective at producing results, so I’m just wondering how other people manage the eating window with schedule and the ability to cook at home.

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hey, i also 16:8. let me give you a quick rundown of my day and i think it will answer your questions. my eating window is between 10a-6p. i get up for work at 1am. the first week i don’t think i ever made it to 16 hours. but i got closer each day. now i easily get there. i drink one true north energy drink and plain water through the morning until 10 or after if i feel fine. at 10 i eat 2 pouches of starkist tuna in sunflower oil. i usually finish work about 1230. 30 minutes of cardio at whatever intensity im feeling as long as i do all 30 minutes. then i drink a basic protein shake made with almond or soy milk. that helps with snack cravings. then dinner around 5ish. on the weekends i barter eating less healthy with doing it in more managable amounts. ill have pizza but only 2 slices instead of 6. ill say this, after a week i lost a little less than a pound. the next week i lost a little more than a pound. and actually seeing results is a great motivator. i want fast food everyday but i know im actually getting results so its a little easier to stop myself. i don’t think snacking is a bad thing, just make it something healthy like unsalted nuts or fruit during your eating window. i don’t think you necessarily have to stick to two meals but overeating will hurt your progress. good luck!


Yeah, I think it pays to find the window that works for you. 16:8 works for me because I’m usually hungry again roughly 6-7 hours after breaking initially, so I eat a second and final time and then start the fast again immediately after.

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