| | Water Fasting

1ish month 14/10 ~ 16/8 no results

I first started in the very ending of December. I struggle with consistency, starting at the same time every night. I now have covid so I haven’t been sticking to it at all but January I stuck to it aside from Monday/Tuesday. I thought I lost 3lbs but the next time I went on my scale I was back to my SW. I need advice.

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I had the same issue you had . You are most likely eating alot more than you think during your eating window. There a different things you can try:

-increase your fasting time (I prefer OMAD)-calorie count-remove most carbs from your diet (I lost weight more rapidly when I did this)

Some may say spend more time in the gym but imo you won’t see much of a difference until you have your eating in order.

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Categories: struggle eating window omad carbs