Why are you supposed to eat at maintenance or a surplus on OMAD? You are eating for that day so shouldn’t it be a 500 calorie deficit regardless?
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If you’ve found success with OMAD, what time do you eat? About how many calories are you shooting for?
If you were chaining prolonged fasts, say 3 to 6 days, between a couple of days OMAD, where OMAD calories would at least meet total usage for the day or even a slight surplus, would this lead to a metabolic...
Hello, I see many screenshot of fasting tracking apps. What do you use ?
I have been on Omad for a while, been seeing results already. I have my dinner at 9PM everyday but just wondering if i can have a cup of lentil soup around 5PM. Would that break the whole purpose of...
I’m going to be starting on 22:2 but I don’t know what a suitable calorie count would be? 144kg 186cm
If doing OMAD is it best to eat at the same time every day? Asking because I read information about the benefits of 24 hour fasting.
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Did anyone else get a cold after doing OMAD during the first month? I cannot believe the amount of mucus. I'm wondering if this is a cleansing response -- or am I overthinking this?
Hello, I am currently doing a pretty intense workout program (insanity) and I was wondering if an OMAD fasting is compatible. I currently do a 16/8 fasting (skipping breakfast) and usually a 24h fasting on sunday. Thanks for answers
Help me mates. I can’t fall asleep till 5am and morning class sucks. Been doing OMAD for 4 days and had insomnia from the 1st day. And advice is welcomed!
If so, how is the experience?
anyone else out there at the same spot?
I have an idea where I’m gonna eat a high sodium meal in the morning and also hydrate at the same time then dry fast until the next day and repeat. Thoughts?
Which is better for weight loss? Or is the weight loss gonna be similar to water fast and omad? If it's similar I rather do OMAD...
As above would rolling rolling 23/1 omad soft dry fasting be advisable or even enough to strip the weight off? I am a 6ft make at 250lbs.
Has anyone here fast Monday through Friday ans donne omad for Saturday and Sunday for a month? We're results better or comparable to rolling 72s for a month?
Hello everyone, I have been doing IF (16-18) for three years or so now. Recently switched to OMAD and seem to have adjusted readily, but I have a dry mouth? Is this typical and if so, any way to help avoid...
I tried OMAD, but I noticed my breath started to smell and my very regular bowel movements became interrupted. I didn’t like it so stopped after three days. But I’m wondering, does this settle over time?
Ive recently started thus journey of if and omad. Ive been doing omad since the past 2 weeks and i havent lost even 1 pound. Ps: i have hypothyroidism and also iam on zoloft . Does this have to do anything...
what do you do when there is food in TV shows that you are watching? I was pretty much drooling today when I was watching people on TV enjoying pizza , any tips for this? There is food in every...
I'm starting OMAD and snake juice now. Only about 25 lb from my goal weight. Anybody else try this?
Would it be a good idea to flip flop between omad and dry fasting? One day omad next day dry fast, One day omad next day dry fast flip flopping between both ways of eating through the week. Would I...
Hey, for those who have done both extended fast and OMAD, how different is the weight loss? I want to lose a substantial amount of weight. I'm very comfortable doing OMAD, but I'm wondering how much more would I lose...
I'm going OMAD and I don't have any problems striking to it. Now, when I meet up with friends for a dinner, should I have lunch and dinner (within calories ofc) and try to 18:6; or should I avoid lunch (going...
Dry fasting all day is easy, then gradually getting myself to eat healthy when I break the fast. The goal is to break my unhealthy eating patterns and replace with life long healthy, clean eating. Most of you on here...
Hey guys I have been doing 16/8 for a while and was toying with the idea of OMAD Trouble is, I powerlift 3 days a week and do Muay Thai one or two days a week. Is it possible to digest 160grams of...
Im on my 6th day of OMAD and Im worried because I have high bp, like 140/100 and something like that. I thought OMAD should have the opposite effect. Can someone tell me more about this? Thank you.
Dad here, have 2 small kids and I’ve been intermittent fasting for about a month. Wanted to start doing Keto OMAD but it’s hard to navigate with my kids. As it is now, I never eat breakfast with them and...
Just wondering if I can drink it or will the natural sweetener trick my insulin levels.
Hey guys, Can you explain to me what OMAD is and how to do it properly? I was told by a co-worker who did it that it’s basically one meal that consists of 1,500 calories a day? I am currently doing...
Does anyone have a good source for nutritionally complete OMAD meals?
It’s been working for me because I also pair it with a calorie deficit. But I can’t tell if it’s the OMAD alone or the calorie deficit that is helping me to lose weight. I do realize the longer you...
21:3 ?
Do you need to take some electrolyte mix if doing OMAD? Or is it for longer extended fasts only
Wondering how many calories and what people eat that are doing OMAD? I fasted for 24 hours with a bullet proof coffee thrown in there but dinner was salmon patty on kale with full fat vinaigrette. Is that enough calories?...
I’m a little confused. Why is the OMAD window four hours if you’re supposed to eat one plate of food within one hour?
Ive done OMAD before for a few weeks but stopped for some reason, but now i started again and it’s my day 2, my question is, can i eat my meal on a different time each day? Because some days...
I'm curious how people can eat one meal a day and IF for 23 hours. I've been doing 2 meals in a 4-5 hour window. I tried cramming in a good number of calories to try omad and crashed into...
I’ve heard it said and experienced it myself. What’s your take and what’s the science?
As titled, I have noticed my hair thinning 4 months after fasting / OMAD. I wonder if it is related to fasting or something else. Someone told me fasting put lots of stress to my body and it may be...
When doing OMAD, how many calories are you aiming to have? Do you have any go to meals? Thanks!
I did 16:8 for some time, which went really well, but then got a new job which required 3h commute per day and it messed it all up. I’ve now relocated and could start 16:8 again, however, due to the...
How bad is it to eat a healthy meal and then eat a pack of MM’s or Soda? Does it pretty much cancel the hard work you put in that day? I burned over 900 calories today too. I just...
Is it okay if my one meal a day (I usually have it around 9:30 if that matters) is a protein shake? I put two scoops of whey, a teaspoon of peanut butter, a decent bit of protein oats and...
I don’t think I could do it everyday because of work, but on my days off I think I could do but not sure if it’s pointless
I wanna try the OMAD diet. I just need some advice/tips. I’m currently 182 lbs. My goal weight is 121 lbs. How long would it take me (with OMAD)to reach my goal?
I started to do OMAD fasting this past week and have been feeling amazing. I'm about to start working as a mailman in a couple weeks and you can easily walk 10-15 miles (16-24 km) a day on the job....
Which way is faster to lose and keep weight off? OMAD or a weekly 36? Or does it matter as long as it's fewer calories in than out at the end of the week?
I’m on my third day in a row of OMAD and also on my 3rd day of my period. I’m having unusually heavy bleeding with clotting and cramping. It’s not medically alarming and well within the realm of normal, but...
Any suggestions for this routine? Thinking this would be a great way to shed fat fast and might try it soon. I’m 6 ft 4 inches and 290 lbs, just to put it out there.
So I just did my 2 days weekend fast and I feel accomplished. I prepared a good amount of healthy food to break my fast. Vegetables and fruits. But I noticed that I got full before even finishing all...
I have been doing IF 16:8 in earnest for 3 months and have lost \~25 lbs. I recently had an injury and so had to take it easy on my workouts, which really worried me for CICO, so I switched...
I’m planning to use OMAD to get my body back after pregnancy, but I need to have energy to keep up with the kids in the morning. Lemon water??
I do omad but it doesn’t feel like omad? Like I don’t get physically hungry until around 5-6 my dinner time I drink plenty of water and my energy doesn’t suffer. My question is should I do TMAD eating every...
I've been on a 16:8 diet for a month now but I no longer feel hungry during the fasting window. I cannot go to gym for at least 2.5 months due to personal reasons. However I don't want to gain...
Does anybody find better results and consistency when you tell a friend or a person that you are fasting? I've been struggling lately to keep my OMAD routine and want to change something to go back to the glory...
I've done rolling 48s before with success but this time around I'm getting really hungry on fast days. I have about 30 lbs to lose and I was wondering how much slower would OMAD be than rolling 48s? I'd be eating...
What am I doing wrong, started my week weighing in 220lbs, and ended the week at 224lbs. Cannot seem to understand
Just did omad/48hr fast/omad for first time and would like to keep doing it maybe 2-3 times a week? Just had stomach pains from hunger and felt a little tired(not sure if because of work or fast) but apart from...
I've decided I want to do omad but im wondering when its the best time to eat. Should I eat in the morning, afternoon or evening? Also how do you deal with the feelings of hunger? Ive been in a deficit...
Did my first OMAD. Yay!! It was easy yesterday. Then today, it’s 6:30am, and I am starving. How I am going to get to 8pm is beyond me. Is this hunger normal?
Anyone doing OMAD?? What meal would you break you fast with??
I am totally onboard with 2mad but haven’t convinced myself of Omad being as beneficial than 2mad scientifically you know.
I work nights and its just hard to come up with a good time to eat. I used to work days, eating dinner then going to bed later on was perfect. Now its just rough. I'm struggling...
Edit: this is a vent/rant post, hence the flair. If I consume that amount I get full and feel full. Then I'm good until the next day. I have had issues with binge eating, but it seems if I don't...
So currently ive been playing around with range of different fasting times and periods to try and find the sweet spot between doing longer then 24hr fasts (48/72's) with rolling OMAD keto in-between vs being on a strictly OMAD keto...
I’m a 5’5’’, 34F. I’ve been doing 16:8 for about 3 months, with a 24 hour Fast thrown in every two weeks, and I’ve lost a couple pounds but nothing major. My weight has been hanging steadily between 130-140 for...
One trouble I'm having with OMAD is my lack of creativity when it comes to planning meals, what cookbooks or meal plans would you recommend to someone doing OMAD?
I am 2 weeks into OMAD (lunch only). Easy going so far, and I don’t feel too hungry. But by the evenings, I get gassy/bloated. Does anyone else have the same experience?
Just wanted to share, I've been doing OMAD with a strict keto diet when I eat, I've also thrown in an occasional 36hr fast between meals. I am just really excited about how great my teeth feel right now. They're...
Need advice from experienced faster. How much water does a guy weighing 55kg height 169cm on a omad intermittent dry fasting needs to drink?
I’m just starting out next week and thinking of starting at 16:8. I would like to get to OMAD. How long should I take to work up to that?
Hey all! I’m attempting to do omad, but struggling not to take in a few calories during the day. I typically do a rx bar or a nut bar and maybe an apple. My goal is to shift my set...
I tried omad for the second half of February and failed miserably. I always ended up doing 2MAD more than anything else. This month I really want to stick to it though, and I think the problem is my one...
I am thinking of losing some weight and fasting this week... Will it be better to do 5 days omad or 3 days water fasting? Which will make me lose more weight? Which one do you guys prefer? Water fasting...
Hi, 41F, looking for some guidance and personal experience of people who've been doing IF for a while. How should I progress from 16:8 to OMAD and what is the smoothest possible transition for it. Also, how are hormones affected...
Like eating 1-2 kale chips hours before/after the 1 meal?
Title is pretty much the question.
Basically as the title states. I started off 18:6 and swapped to OMAD several weeks ago. Almost down a total of 50 pounds. But the last week, every time I eat my one meal, I end up very sick, and...
Was worried that the weight I may lose will be more muscle than fat.