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2 month IF skinnyfat weightloss strategy

Hi all

My TDEE is 1785 daily so 12498 in a week Current bf is 25% with a BMI of 23.1

My goal is to halven my bf to 12.5% in the fastest way possible. To achieve this i will combine Keto and OMAD and IF by eating at a caloric deficit of 1000 calories. This leaves me with around 785 calories per day.

I will eat the following every day: 4 fried eggs 100g roasted broccoli

The fried eggs should be around 500 cal and the brocolli around 50 cal which is a total of around 550 cal. If i round it up to 585 then i would eat at a daily - 1200 deficit

69 kg in pounds is 152 and if i want to lose 12.5% bf then i need to lose around (152 * 0.125 = 19) 19 pounds.


  1. one loses 1 pound of fat per 3500 calories and that i require to lose a total of (19 pounds * 3500 cal) 66500 calories.

  2. id lose/ be in deficit of 1200 calories a day this leads me to believe id need (66500 / 1200) 56 days to lose 19 pounds (8.6kg).

After an estimated 2 months i would be around 60.4 kg with a bf of 12.5%.

Am i missing something or am i good to go?

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The math is reasonable but your not factoring in the human. You will be sick of eggs and broccoli pretty quick and set yourself up for failure. You also need to understand your metabolism will change throughout the process especially with caloric restrictions. Why not do 36hr fasts or something and add more variety into your diet.


This is more of a starvation diet than intermittent fasting. You’re going to mess up your metabolism and be miserable and hungry all the time. Fast as long as you want, but when you fuel your body, fuel your body, don’t restrict yourself so severely.


This doesn’t work bc your body just compensates for lower calories by slowing down and expending less energy. This is how you crash your metabolism. Read up on the compensation effect and why crash diets don’t work.

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