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Anybody else unable to sleep while fasting ?

What can I do to sleep better without breaking my fast? It seems to be very hard to sleep but I don’t wanna break my fasting. It doing fasting to heal my broken gut abs body.

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Make sure the foods you eat aren’t interfering with your body. Spicy foods can cause issues, and dairy or meats might also be a problem for some people.

You might consider taking melatonin for a while. Than might help with your sleep issues if it’s not a food issues, but just a mental issues you’re having with the diet change.


Have you been fasting long? If you just started and you’re used to eating at night, it can be difficult. First 2wks were the hardest for me, then it got easier and easier. I sipped on water a lot, up at night peeing, but it was worth it. Most people say they sleep much better doing IF, maybe just not in the beginning.


I seem to sleep better when fasting. I’m doing 16:8 but some days is more like 18:6. I’m generally a really good sleeper though but it is better now.

I have a bit of anxiety (caused by birth control) and have been looking at getting a supplement with Ashwagandha in it. It helps relax you and many other benefits according to “Healthline”. So I’m going to give it a go for the anxiety but it’s supposed to help you sleep also. I’m not promoting anything but it might help 😊

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