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Anyone here have PCOS or insulin resistance?

I’m wondering if anyone has had any luck reversing PCOS and/or insulin resistance on a particular type of fasting schedule? OMAD, 16:8 or extended fasts for example?

I’ve been insulin resistant for 15 years and started fasting a few days ago (OMAD) due to the panic I suddenly had that I may develop full blown type 2 diabetes over the next 10 years or so if I don’t do something about it!

I tried to fast all day today but gave in this evening to eat dinner because I felt so hungry and miserable. Feeling super stressed out too but if I knew this would definitely help me reverse my PCOS I guess I’d be more determined to push through

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Read The Obesity Code by Dr Jason Fung, or watch his YouTube videos. I think any IF schedule will help so don’t freak out. If you really want to switch to OMAD you should probably work your way there gradually, starting with 14:10 then 16:8 then 18:6 then 20:4 then OMAD. But check out Dr Fung. He’s a specialist in this area. Good luck and don’t freak out!!!!


Also there is a podcast hosted by two women who work in Jason Fung’s clinic. It’s called The Fasting Method Podcast. They discuss PCOS frequently and one of them wrote a book about treating it in poor populations.


It’s really, really setting yourself up for failure if you get too strict and hardcore too fast. I do 18:6 and have for all but the first day I started, but if I’m having a particularly bad time with hunger on any particular day, I eat and get back on schedule the next day. It’s a long term thing, not an “If I do this perfectly every day for the next 320 days then I’ll lose all the weight, fix all my health issues, and be done.” thing. Just do as well as you can every day and don’t fixate on times when you “mess up”. You’re human, it’s going to happen. Besides, sometimes when you plateau or stall, the best thing you can do is skip a fast and get those extra calories in before you get back to it the next day.

At least, that’s how I’m doing it, and I may not be losing weight as rapidly as some of the more hardcore folks, but I’m going down steadily and my doctor is happy with it.


IF https://www.amazon.com/PCOS-Plan-Prevent-Polycystic-Syndrome/dp/1771644605



LC https://www.amazon.com/PCOS-Plan-Prevent-Polycystic-Syndrome/dp/1771644605


inostiol http://www.tuitnutrition.com/2019/06/pcos.html

+ adding muscle have largely reversed my symptoms

Good luck!


I was diagnosed as insulin resistant many years ago, and they put me on an elevated dose of metformin. Between that and eating reasonably I lost 40 pounds quite quickly. Insurance didn’t cover it so I stopped going and gained it back once I was off metformin. I do have good results with low glycemic foods.


My doctor recommended IF because my insulin was so high. I have been checked for PCOS and diabetes, but have neither, but she was telling me IF would hopefully help my insulin. I have been doing keto, too (she was … not enthusiastic about that and thinks it’s a fad diet), and I feel GOOD cutting out sugar and carbs. I havr been doing 16:8 for two months now. I have a lot more energy, don’t feel tired after meals, and I used to get sugar spikes and don’t anymore. I cannot wait until November when I get my labs done again. I’m hoping it will show better insulin levels!


Along with the other suggestions, please watch Dr. Ken Berry’s videos on YouTube on the proper human diet. He and Dr. Fung (who also has videos) are board-certified physicians and post the studies you can read to back up what they are saying.

Especially with diabetes, the standard American diet (SAD) is a ticket to increasingly bad insulin resistance and the complications of diabetes. Look at all the people who were advised to keep eating cereals, grains and processed food. They are on insulin, getting sicker and losing limbs.

Please don’t panic, you have it within your power to reverse this. The knowledge that a available. I haven’t read Dr. Fung’s book yet, so good on you. I also have type II and I think in a few months I’ll be able to get off the metformin I take for it. Ketovore/carnivore eating the past 6 weeks is changing my health and my life. Keto helped, but not enough. So please take a look! You can message me too if you have questions😊.

My apologies to everyone on my long-windedness. I’m so excited about the changes in my health and outlook on life, I’m just a blabbermouth right now.

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