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Are 1000 calorie diets really that bad? Can they be done safely?

Lots of articles about how this is a horrible idea but are these diets really so bad in the short term for rapid weight loss? Is there any way for them to be done safely?

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Your body can only use a small percentage of its fat stores a day as energy. After that it starts pairing down muscle.

More muscle equals higher metabolism. Higher metabolism equals easier to stay lean.

For health you never want to put yourself in a situation where you are losing muscle.

So max deficit you want a day is roughly 500 calories.


The Minnesota semi starvation study by Dr. Ansel Keyes showed that prolonged periods of caloric intake well under maintenance can make for difficulty for long term weight maintenance. If done for too long (3 months i believe) can also begin to cause damage to secondary body functions (hormone synthesis/regulation, immune system function, others).
Typically, the caloric deficit i’d recommend is about a 15% drop from your TDEE. Low enough to create a sustainable drop, not so low that you’ll experience stress (mental, physical, emotional, social, etc).


you need 1500 kcal just to meet your base metabolic rate. Did you mix up bmr and tdee? Subtract 500 kcal from your tdee NOT bmr for reference. Undereating like this has no benefits, but ill consequences: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/calorie-restriction-risks#TOC_TITLE_HDR_5

edit: op is 164cm and 61kg


Probably going to be downvoted for this but I’ve been doing 1000 - 1200 calorie diet for a couple months now. I pair this with intermittent fasting with an eating window in the morning and lunch. I have a big breakfast and decent sized lunch and skip dinner, the first couple days when your body’s getting used to it you will be hungry and tired by the evening. Past those days I have all the energy I need and lost about 15kg so far with only a bit more to lose then I’ll up my calories again keeping with the same window.

I run 8km 3x a week, on those days I’ll make sure I top up calories. The meals I’m eating I’m getting solid macros plus general supps. People will say you can’t but you can lose a kilo a week easy, make sure you listen to your body so on the days you’re genuinely feeling like your body needs more have a big hearty meal on top of your others. Good luck


If you do alternate day fasts you can essentially consume 0 cal/day and it works just fine for weight loss.

1000 calories can be 2 avocados, couple pieces of toast and 2 tbps of butter. Or instead of toast you can eat some cheese cubes and do your best to get into ketosis to burn even more fat.

Not sure why i’m getting downvoted. I’m not wrong.


It completely depends on what u do throughout your day plus how many calories your body burns to do it’s fictions.

For example I’m 21M, 5’11”, and 235lb I workout 4 times a week for 4 hours. 2 and a half hours are for heavy lifting, 30min for cardio, and the last hour is stretching. My starting weight was 250lb and I want to get to about 200lb.

Then there’s other things to consider for example job, sleep, what food your actually eating

On gym days I eat 1350cals (4 days), off days I eat 1350-1600 (2 days), and a cheat day 2000-4000cals

So to sum it up if you going for weight loss 1000cals will work but it’s probably going to be unhealthy. For fat loss only it will not work.

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