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As the amount of stored fat becomes less, is fasting harder?

I’ve been doing 24/1 since October of last year. It took me a week at 24/1 to be able to do some 48/1, 72/1 and even longer. I don’t know my weight because I use clothing as a measurement of success. I started out wearing 38 size pants, then 36, then 34, and closing in on 32 now. I’m still doing 24/1, but finding that 48/1 is brutal. Very difficult and I get very hungry.

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I would think so.

I think I read that each pound of BF can produce 30 calories to be used. (I don’t remember the exact number) So, if you have 100 lbs of fat, you can get more calories from that then if you have 30 lbs of fat.


Yeah the closer I got to my goal the harder it got. It makes sense that your body and mind would sense that you’re getting closer to being in danger and ramp-up any sort of processes that encourage you to find food.

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