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Can you become fat adapted on intermittent fasting?

I typically fast for 16-24hrs but will also do 3 day fasts occasionally. I have a very physically demanding job and I also strength train and long distance run. One thing i’ve noticed recently is that I have lost my appetite for food when I should be craving food like crazy. Yesterday, right after work, i started my 24hr fast with about an hour of jump rope and also ended it with another hour of running. Usually after doing that much cardio and not eating i would be starving and eat like 2k+ calories in 1 sitting but i felt like i didn’t need to eat. I forced myself to eat and just hit my protein goal but i really wasn’t enjoying the food like I usually do. Could it be that my body is in ketosis and no longer craves carbs? I usually break my fast with fruits meats and vegetables but I also don’t shy away from very carb heavy fast foods. Do you guys think i’m fat adapted since i use all my glucose reserves during cardio and my body has just gotten used to this? Is it even possible to be fat adapted while still having carbs in your diet?

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People are saying no but I am also very active and know that I am in ketosis sometimes because of the acetone taste in my mouth. I eat lower carb than the typical diet but definitely not keto. Carbs I eat include plantain chips, sweet potatoes, and winter squash. So I think that I must be burning through my glycogen stores even though I eat carbs.

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