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Best type of milk to drink?


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She doesn’t need milk if she eats veggies that have calcium - assuming she doesn’t like milk. I’d literally vomit if someone put a glass of it in front of me with the intent that I drink it.

But I like almost every product it’s an ingredient in


> but realizes that she needs the calcium

You can get calcium from many sources. I would worry more about vitamin D as most milk is enriched with it and it’s challenging to get from dietary sources. Vitamin A is also added but thats much easier to get from elsewhere.

I guess fat free is the next to try. She can consume the milk in many ways, mix it in to oatmeal for example. I am not a huge fan of fat free milk on its own (its watery) but you really can’t tell the difference when its mixed with stuff.

Yogurt is also a great option. The low sugar fat free greek yogurts are delicious and a great choice https://www.chobani.com/products/less-sugar/ is my default.

If she doesn’t like fat free milk/yogurt then alternative “milks” are next. Enriched soy is the closest to actual milk. If she doesn’t like that try enriched tofu or edamame.


Fairlife - non-fat

I love milk, am not lactose intolerant & have drank different types of milk and fairlife takes the cake. It’s ultra filtered & the non-fat kind taste like milk flavored water but it helps keep you full. Whenever I have stomach aches or don’t feel like eating I’ll chug some milk and be good for a few hours.

Cons: expensive


I’m super happy to see all the plant based suggestions here.

Almond milk or soy milk, some berries, a frozen banana and some protein powder is my go to shake in the morning to get my calories in and feel much better.


I’d go with cheeses. Lately I like feta and bleu on salads. If your greens contain oxalate the dairy will help.

There’s substantial protein in milk, but still - like they say, don’t drink your sugars.

It’s not, to my mind, the healthful food it would be if it were unpasteurized. Even then I wouldn’t encourage it in a diet much. It’s a clear example of a place where genetics matters, but I think I have the genes for it; I just don’t see anything good in it.


Me and my wife have switched to a whole milk called straus, so far best milk ive ever had. It comes in two varietes:cream top, and reg. It doesnt taste super fatty either just cleaner and it is higher calorie but we usually just use it for cereal but she drinks it more now that shes pregnant. I want to add that the milk is more local where im from so only a few stores carry it but id say look for local if you can.


If the issue is calcium, you can get calcium in many other things besides milk. If she doesn’t like milk, then it’s not the hill to die on.

Citrus fruits like oranges. Broccoli, collared greens, tofu, salmon.


> My 25yo niece is thin, but wants to start eating healthier.

Thin as in, she wants to gain weight so be healthier?

> 2% has “too much fat”

But she doesn’t want to gain weight?

Sorry I’m confused and genuinely surprised no one has brought up how she thinks 2% is too much fat lol. Has she considered doing 1/2 cup of 1% and 1/2 cup of 2% ?

Also as others have said dairy isn’t the only way to incorporate calcium into her diet. Like there are so many other foods that have calcium. As others have said, soy is a good alternative to cow’s milk. There’s also kale, collard greens, sesame seeds, fortified orange juice, etc. Seriously just a variety of veggies, with some lean protein and including something specifically high in calcium like soy milk is more than enough. That being said, if you’re able to, have your niece consider seeing a dietician - they will give you far better expertise than random people on the internet


Greek yogurt.

If you can get her to eat the full fat, it’ll be more satiating. Plus it tastes better. Put a spoonful of jam in there if she’s not down with plain (or make a smoothie). It’s high in calcium and protein. Plus probiotics. It’s, dare I say, a s*perfood if you are down with dairy.


I don’t like the taste of store bought milk because when you get used to fresh from the farm, preservative free milk, store bought tastes awful. So I eat full-fat Greek yogurt & all types of cheeses. I use plain yogurt instead of sour cream – dip, mixed in mac & cheese or mashed spuds, mix with avocado, tomatoes, jalapenos, for guacamole. I mix it with fresh or sugar-free frozen fruit & top with a granola type cereal - good for breakfast or dessert.


After reading all the posts, the answer from most is: I don’t know, so let me talk about something else. To answer your question: cow’s milk, right out if the tit. That is the best to drink. If you mean to ask the best from the supermarket? Well, I don’t know. I choose 2% fat free.


Try raw cows milk. I grew up drinking gallons of retail milk. Now days, it makes me sick, i cant have it or any retail dairy products. BUT we discovered the natural probiotics in raw milk is incredibly beneficial and best of all I can drink as much as i want.


Spinach 🙃

Dairy is terrible for most bodies. As is soy (tofu), choose veggies high in calcium instead. Such as dark leafy greens like collard greens, turnip greens, kale, mustard greens, beet greens, bok choy, okra, Swiss chard, and broccoli raab.

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