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Changing tastes?

Does IF change your tastes over time? I’ve been doing IF for about 4 weeks now, typically 18:6 on weekdays (I usually eat 1PM TO 7PM) and 16:8 on weekends. I’ve lost about 11 pounds so far 46 y/o male, SW: 208, CW: 196 and some change) and am finding it pretty easy to stick to. Aside from fasting, I’m eating a regular diet. Today my boss brought us donuts, and I decided I wanted one but that I’d wait until around 11 to eat it. To my surprise, it tasted overly sweet and was not as enjoyable as I’d anticipated. I am wondering if this is a common experience for people who’ve been fasting regularly?

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Been fasting for a year and a half. Still love sweets. They taste amazing. Jeni’s ice cream? Forget about it.

What I have noticed is that I appreciate everything that I eat so much more. I’ll break my fast with something unexciting like eggs or sardines or spicy cabbage and my mind will be blown with deliciosity. So, it hasn’t made me lose a taste for sweets but it’s helped me love the taste of ‘regular/healthy’ food even more than I already did.


I listen to a podcast called Intermittent Fasting Stories (by G. Stephens) and have heard sooo many people say the same thing! So far- I still enjoy dessert but def not craving sweets like I have all of my life up to now. I can take it or leave it, new for me


I’m on IF for 6 weeks. I cut sugar from my diet and try to eat healthy. I don’t crave sugary snacks or any snacks tbh. I don’t have hunger pangs, only small discomfort close to my eating window. I’m surprised and very happy that happened to me.

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