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Choose 3 Foods to eat for the rest of your life: What would you take?

I just had this discussion with a friend. I got favorites but I want your answers first.

You want to be healthy and so it probalby should be balanced. Plus points if you still feel full after eating.

You have an infinite amount and dont choose a prepared food like pizza/burger/ …


I’m really interested in your answers :)

€: And why did you choose the 3 things?

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sardine, moth beans, brocolli

A meat is necessary for essential nutrients and fat. Fish are taken because of DHA and density of essential nutrients. Then sardines are taken because they’ve got less heavy metals and forever chemicals than other fish.

Moth beans are taken because they provide more sugar/starch than other beans but I wouldn’t want to have to eat a grain for the rest of my life

Brocolli provides essential nutrients like folate, K, magnesium, and some carbohydrates

I chose those 3 to prolong my suffering, not because they’re the 3 healthiest foods.


As I can raise and grow most things on my own competently,1- wild mustard,2- barley,3-mutton.

- Wild mustard can be hybridized into broccoli, cabbage, kale, cauliflower, kohlrabi and brussels sprouts.

-barley……. Malt…..and bread if I have to.

-mutton because sheep.

I will live my best life I can without ever seeing another chocolate almond.


3 things? Probably some form of lean clean meat protein like Salmon or chicken breast. Something with a ton of protein and it’s not heavy. 2. I have to have a vegetable so I’m going to go with spinach. I like the taste and it’s something you can eat a ton of and has very little calories. 3. I have to choose a fruit, but it’s hard. You can overeat bananas and having that much potassium is potentially dangerous for some people. I think I would choose some kind of berry. Maybe rasberry due to how low it is on the glycemic index. But if I had to expand i would go potatoes as my carb source and then eggs as my other protein source.


Black rice and garbanzo beans, sweet potatoes, and if we’re permissive and count the rice and beans as one item, salmon or halibut I guess. I’d like to forgo the animal entirely but assuming no access to supplements that would not go well.


Fish, potatoes, and onions……my granny was from England, and where she was there were periods in history when they had not a lot else to eat besides those three things…and they all lived on just fine.


Hot wings, creamy garlic and dill potato chips and honeycrisp/lady Alice apples.

Taste mostly. Think I probably won’t be bored of. See lots of people being not as specific. Yeah, potato is a better option than chips because diversity.

But those 3 are my perfect lazy day


Beef Liver: One of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet. It contains significant amounts of folate, iron, B vitamins, vitamin A, and copper. Eating a single serving of liver every day can help you meet your daily recommended intake of all these essential vitamins and minerals, reducing your risk of nutrient deficiencies and improving your overall health.

Potatoes: They are about as healthy as other whole foods carbs (i.e. whole grains, legumes, and other tubers). Sweet potatoes are more nutrient-dense overall than potatoes, but regular white potatoes are richer sources of iron and potassium. They also taste better to me.

Strawberries: Low in calories, amazing taste and color, excellent source of antioxidants, polyphenols, alkaline minerals (like potassium) and vitamins (i.e. vitamin C).

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