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Chronic pain finally gone after 3 long agonizing years thanks to fasting

I swear I could jump for joy right now. I began fasting 3 months ago and for about 3 years prior I was suffering from intense non stop pain in my knees and in my neck, it was to the point to where id wake up most night crying from the pain, In my neck I had a herniated disk and my knees were just inflamed from my weight and me just being s heavy and obese, the doctor just gave me pain pills and diclofenac and sent me home. I began fasting sometimes 3 months ago and I am slowly but surely seeing massive if not life changing differences in my pain. In fact this week I’ve had zero pain in my knees and only about 10% pain in my neck. My knees would often hurt so bad after getting up out of the bed each morning that id have to take the first step very slowly or sometimes I would collapse to the floor.

Well here I am 3 months later and I can get up every morning and have a smile on my face, I’m only 33 but before I started fasting I felt like I was 80 in terms of pain and how I felt, I finally decided to do something about my weight for once and I’m so happy that I did. My pain levels are nearly non existent and I promise to those of you who are doing this for chronic pain to keep going, the pain will slowly begin to cease and I am having what is my first week in years without insane sharp pain in my knees and my neck. I had fallen into a terrible depression over the past 2 years and you have no idea how good it feels to just not be hurting or not having to pop another pain pill.

I started at 259 pounds and I’m down to 234 pounds, Life is good and I am finally not in chronic pain anymore.

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Ayyyy. Congratulations!! Welcome back to regular life.

That was my situation as well. Herniated a disk from a squat session.

Fucked my shit up for 3 years. I hit my lowest point in life. I couldn’t imagine living life with the pain EVERYDAY. My take away from all that was to lose weight to get as much pressure off your spine. Which is key if you’re overweight. Which I has.

Live that life!


33! Ohh man. May I recommend you find a good PT to help you with stretching and mobility! A lot of knee issues that aren’t an acute injury can be related to tight quads hams calves and gait. But overall proper stretching will help so much with how you get around and how your body feels daily.


Pain is the reason I started on my weightloss journey as well! 2years of slow onset hip pain causing me to always grab the rail when going up & down the stairs at home. If I didn’t, I could feel a tweak of pain and lose all strength in my leg and fall. I was terrified! I started low carb and within 3 weeks the pain diminished by half. Within 2 months, I’d lost 20lbs and the pain was down to almost nothing. Then I found out about IF, down another 12lbs and still no pain, keeping my weight stable and my metabolic flexibility up. Congratulations to you on finding a way to heal yourself. This is the way!!


Hey glad your pain has subsided! Huge non scale victory. Same happened to a buddy of mine mid 40s. Tried fasting and cut out all inflammatory foods. He’s not 💯 but getting close to it. IF is the medicine and the food industry’s worst enemy


Congratulations! That’s the best, when you can finally get relief. In meantime, I’d also ask for an inflammation and autoimmune workup. These kinds of pains can be associated with some specific autoimmune conditions and fasting definitely helps but doesn’t entirely stop the progression so better catch something early if there is anything there

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