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Constant digestive issues since starting IF

I’ve been doing intermittent fasting for about 45 days now. I began with a 16:8 schedule in December. For the first two weeks, I experienced constipation. Then the last two weeks of December, everything normalized.

In January, I bumped it up to 18:6 and have been experiencing constant loose stools with no let up. I feel awful all the time. I’m hoping this is normal because I’m not sure I can continue if this goes on much longer. I feel sick all the time now. My period also disappeared in December (no possibility of pregnancy), and has not reappeared.

I’m just not sure my body is responding well to my new eating habits. Prior to IF, my digestive system and period were both normal.

Has anyone experienced something similar or can offer any advice? Thanks

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Are you eating enough fibers? That would help the stool? Also are you eating enough in the eating hours? When the body is lacking energy, I can imagine it could stop periods? No expert here. Dont take my word for it, just trying to contribute. Also, why not stay on the 16:8 if that went well?


If your cycle has disappeared you’re severely under eating during your eating window, and definitely undereating when it comes to fat.

What are you actually eating? Low fiber does not cause constipation, it alleviates it.

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