| | Water Fasting

Day 10 of 40 day water fast

Today was definitely the best day so far, I had a lot of energy and wasn’t thinking of food that much. I can’t believe its already 10 days, even this fasting has felt like an eternity, it also has gone by pretty quick. Had my first food dream 😂

SW 255/ CW 233/ GW 190 22 pounds lost in 10 days

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I’m also on day 10 of 40. For me day 10 has always been a turning point. I feel like at that point I have enough skin in the game to not want to quit. Passed the 1/4 mark and well on the way to the half way mark.


I feel like the hardest part is the dreams honestly. I am on day 4. Longest I’ve gone is 7 but it’s feeling so much easier this time around so I’m gonna see how far I can go! My boyfriend is like a gourmet chef and I have 3 kids so it’s normally really difficult for me to remain in a fasted state… but this time I have this crazy willpower going on! I’ve been dreaming of food every night though so far and every dream I put the food in my mouth chew it and then remember I’m on a fast and i spit it out. It’s crazy how you can taste the food even in your dreams! Then i wake up hungry :/ but it goes away shortly after looking at the scale! Been taking walks daily also, so I’m losing about 2 per day at the moment (I’m sure mostly water weight). SW 226 CW 220 GW I’ll be satisfied anywhere between 130-160 … we’ll see when the time comes if I push further! 160 is my pre pregnancy weight (and Ayla was born 08/08/21) so I AT LEAST wanna get back to that for now … I’ve really been slacking on losing this weight! Third kid at 35 is tough! Wish women could lose as easily as men ! Anyway… thanks for reading my book and all of its exclamations :)

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