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Day 14-rolling fasts

People are starting to notice me “shrinking” which is reassuring because it means there actually is fat loss happening. I do tend to lose weight on my face quite quickly and dramatically though. So that could be part of it.

My skin is extremely dry. Flakey and sore even. I moisturised last night and woke up glowing and bright eyed. I feel 10 years younger.

I do need to get some supplements. Before fasting, I was high dosing everything. B complex; b12, D3, iron etc etc and I have a massive supply. But it didn’t occur to me that they’re all gummies and duh. I can’t take them on a fast.

The only thing I have right now is magnesium, which has been invaluable for the restless legs and general weirdness (which I put down to sugar withdrawal)

I’m being lazy with electrolytes. Need to get on top of that too.

Apart from that. Smooth sailing. 77 hours into this fast. Hoping to push through as long as I can this time.

Happy fasting people

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I’m doing a 14-day modified fast and am on day 2 (42 hours in) right now.

I have done various real fasting. In this one modified one, I’m drinking 3 (either Slimfast or protein shake), have a few lollipops, G zero, and diet orange soda. Basically no hard foods.

Yes, I will get knocked, but I tend to have far fewer problems with skin and etc when doing this. I also work out for 2-3 hours a day, so it helps. As of today, I have burned 1597 calories exercising. Feel less sick and have far fewer hunger issues. Will post after 14 days on everything and see how this works out.

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