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Did watching food reels last night really kick me out of fasting Ketosis??

I fasted almost 19 hours then only ate avocado, cashews, 3.5 ounces broccoli with olive oil and 1/8 cup chick peas.

After eating this - I started a new fast.

I’m now 21 hours and 30 minutes into this fast and it’s 9:30am. Last night I was in moderate ketosis (gki of 5) and only had coffee this morning and lifted weights but now my blood work from keto mojo is saying I’m out of ketosis with a gki of 17???

Is it because I watched food videos last night? Or what caused this? Maybe Keto mojo is wrong but I took my blood twice for glucose and ketones and got same result. I’ve never noticed drinking black coffee to kick me out of ketosis.

Thoughts? And is the progress of my fasting reversed?

I’m so upset! Was shooting for 48 hours this time.

Also note that I’ve never been considered pre-diabetic. When I get blood taken for doc visits, a single nights sleep (before I ever started a fasting regiment) I’d have a fasting glucose of 83 to 85.

Seems to be confusion on timeline:

11am Wednesday - broke 19 hour fast with said food - avocado, etc.

7-8pm Wednesday - go on walk / run

9pm Wednesday - in moderate ketosis with gki 5

10-11pm Wednesday - scrolling social media and watched several food reels

7-9am Thursday - drink black coffee and lift weights

9:30am - now in a 21 hour fast but am out of ketosis with a gki 17 ( glucose 93 and ketones 0.3)

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The chick peas and cashews would have reduced your ketotic state. Watching food videos absolutely cannot kick you out of ketosis. Your ketone levels will fluctuate going from fasting to eating but based on what you ate, cashews and chick peas are relatively carb heavy.


Your levels are likely to shoot all over the place during fasting, and while most people only focus in on food or beverage intake, this is only one small piece of the physiological framework.

Perhaps more importantly, and a simple biological fact that many seem to forget, is that ketosis is not a requirement for weight loss to occur. How do you suppose the rest of humanity that does not give a shit about keto or fasting manages to achieve consistent weight loss results? I know it is easy to get tunnel vision since these protocols are in our wheelhouse, but I think it is also important to be mindful of the bigger picture outside of our bubble.

And for the record, I regularly watch marathons of the Great British Bake off during my rare extended fasts. I find it oddly therapeutic.


You’re not metabolically flexible yet (?)

  1. What is your body weight?
  2. What’s your height and waist size
  3. What percent is body fat? Or, what is your BMI?
  4. How old are you? Do you have any of the symptoms of METABOLIC SYNDROME?
  5. How many cashews did you eat? (least keto friendly nut)

The only thing I can be sure of, is that watching food videos did not throw you out of ketosis.


On top of the few carbs you has its probably be from your work out too. Whenever I train hard it ALWAYS takes me out of ketosis for a few hours. Stress, cortisol and adrenaline release stored glucose into the blood stream and you have an increase insulin response.

Totally normal and I wouldn’t worry about it at all.

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