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down 40 lb but don't see any difference

Maybe this is a dumb question but currently I’m down 40 pounds in the last 2 months and I really don’t see any difference. Maybe it’s my starting weight? I started that 300 and now I’m done to 260. Is this normal or am I delusional and I just don’t see it? My current schedule is water fasting. For like a week or two on end and then break for a few days to eat and I go through all the refeeding and all that.

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I had to think of it like a roll of toilet paper when I first started. If you take 20 squares from a full roll, it doesn’t really look much different. If you take 20 squares off a nearly empty roll, it’s more obvious.

I was getting discouraged by this, too…. Just remember that every pound you continue to lose will show on your new figure more and more.


So, if you had visceral fat stored around your organs, then it gets used first because it can cause metabolic dysfunction. Other than that, it may just be hard to see at first, but you’ve definitely made progress! In time it’ll become more obvious.


Yeah there’s not a huge difference in outward appearance from 300->260 (personal experience). Even down to 240 didn’t change much. Getting below 240 started to make a difference, and then every 10 lbs below 200 was enormous.


Congrats on 40 lbs down! You’re doing great. For me, it wasn’t until I started adding exercise into the mix that my body started to look truly different. Before that, I was fasting into incrementally smaller versions of my existing shape, if that makes sense. Not sure if you’re working out in addition to fasting, but it definitely has a more stark effect from my experience. Good luck and keep it up.


There is a difference. I would measure key areas, such as waist, abdomen, thighs, chest and arms. Depending on genetics we loose weight from different places first. From 300-260 might equate to a 1 - 4 inch reduction in your abdomen, with a 0.5 - 2 reduction in your waistline… but again genetics, will determine which end of the spectrum you’re on…. But I am pretty sure you lost some inches; but just maybe where you were looking^^ If you’re around 28-32% body fat, you’ll start seeing some major changes around the 220-230 mark.


I’m 5’9” and I was 233. I got down to 179 and was down 1 pant size only. A large shirt is still too small but an XL is too big (I started out in XL shirts).

I was down 3 inches from my waist and 2 of those came off the first week, which I think was mostly me getting rid of bloat. Roughly 4 months.


I didn’t notice much difference until my stomach wasn’t where I expected it to be. It’s weird, but it was a bit like that phantom limb thing that some amputees have, but with the parts of my body (especially my stomach) that got smaller. I was reminded of the changes everytime I got weirded out by my body not being where I was expecting it to be. Like when you’re expecting there to be one more stair, but you feel that drop in your stomach when you take a step onto nothing.
It’s crazy how long it took for my brain to sync up with the changes. I experienced this for probably a little over a year after I had lost 100 pounds


That’s a shit ton of weight, excellent job! And yes like others mentioned think of it as a toilet paper where the layers might not make a visual different at first, and that visceral fat goes first! Also something super important to remember (which I didn’t know until only like a couple of years ago) is that visceral fat is much more dangerous than superficial fat, so your body getting rid of it first is leaps and bounds an excellent thing, and super important for your long term health!

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