Hi All,
It would be really helpful to hear other people’s experiences battling autoimmune conditions with fasting
I just completed a 7 day fast for my autoimmune condition anklosing spondylitis. The fast helped a lot with my hip and shoulder pain, but the evil lingering back pain / flare up is still there. My back pain decreased after a few days of fasting but plateud and never got better in the days after that so I ended the fast.
Maybe I can never get my autoimmune fully into remission and the back pain of AS will always be there. Thoughts?
I have a couple of autoimmune things that I’ve been trying to beat down for years. I noticed when I fast the symptoms subside but they return when I start eating. I have done multiple elimination diets, tested for allergies etc. I cannot narrow it down any further. Im whole food Vegan, focus on fiber first. I’m physicality active, drink water etc. and am not on any medication.
I’m planning a longer water fast over the Thanksgiving period as it’s quiet at work, most people travel and I’m off for two days anyway. My hope is that my body will “dig deeper” and I’ll see better results.
I’ve read so much on fasting and autoimmune stuff. For me it’s a case of “it can’t hurt”. Occasionally I’ll read something where someone fasted for a really long time and it helped. Most people just say symptoms were reduced. My symptoms have really improved as I’ve cut things out of my diet and focussed on things considered good for you gut, what ever that means, but they aren’t gone and they are bad enough that they impact my quality of life. Not as much as before, but I notice it.
My understanding, based on nothing at all scientific, is that the more serious a condition the longer you need to fast to start to address it. Again this is based on my very rudimentary understanding of autophagy and assumptions I make based on what I read, a lot of it anecdotal. Science seems to drop off a cliff at some point when it comes to autoimmune conditions. It’s like they decide it’s not worth pursuing any further so you are left with IG health coaches and people looking for the same cure you are.