| | Water Fasting

First 30hr fast and challenges

I have done quite a bit of intermitent fasting in the past 18/6 20/4 Omad.

I’m looking to try some longer fasts up to 48 and 72 hours.

I have just tried my longest fast with a 30-hour goal.

I noticed after the 24-hour mark I really felt like I was suffering from big hunger cravings but also that my energy felt so low like I had hit a wall(aka bonked).

All I could think about was eating and it was very uncomfortable.

I felt like I had no energy but to laydown/sleep.

At the time, I was thinking it was unimaginable that I could reach 36 hours or more.

The other surprise was that my urine was dark yellow, despite having consumed around 4L+ water over the 30-hour period.

I am new to the sub and see that perhaps I need to supplement additional electrolytes. (I’m going to source Pickle Juice asap).

Do you think that these intense physical/psychological symptoms are due to electrolyte defficiency?

As I said, I have done lots of IF but never had this negative experience.

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I will be very curious to hear from more experienced people, but I don’t know how big of a hit your electrolytes can take in 30 hours. I’ve only done a handful of over 24 hour fasts… It gets a lot easier with the more fasting experience you have.

Strangely enough, I finished a 34 hour fast yesterday… And even with a prodigious amount of water intake (and only water, a very clean fast) I was having very dark and very smelly urine as well.

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