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First extended water fast; advice is extremely appreciated!

I am currently doing an extended water fast. I just want to make sure I am doing this properly. I’ve read articles and listened to podcasts and believe I am but would like some input on my plan below.

I stopped eating at 7p last night and plan to break my fast tomorrow at 2p. During my fast I will be drinking water, one cup of black coffee and two cups of tea. On my typical days where I do IF (18:6 or 20:4) I take a Vital Flora supplement that contains probiotics and prebiotics. I alway take them during my fasting window so I was thinking that I should be taking them during my extended fasting window as normal too? I also plan on doing my typical workout during the extended fasting window(lifting followed by light cardio). When I break my fast tomorrow, I plan on having a smoothie (spinach, kale, strawberries, blueberries, bananas and almonds) possibly adding some unsweetened yogurt. 20 mins before having the smoothie I was going have a 2 teaspoons on ACV diluted in water; since I try to do that when breaking my fast on normal IF days. Then for dinner, pizza with my family as it was planned weeks ago. I know the pizza is not ideal….

Does this sounds right? I am mostly questioning the probiotic/prebiotic supplement as I’ve seen conflicting information. As well as the things I plan to eat tomorrow. Please let me know what you think. Or if you have any suggestions or alterations you would make to my plan.

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I think you’ll be okay with what you are doing, I have found that anything over 36h could leave you with an upset stomach if you break your fast with a very carb dense meal, maybe break your fast an hour or so before the pizza with a small amount of protein (i.e plain chicken) to get everything working again, when I’ve done this the sprint to the toilet happens a lot less often.


43 hours isn’t really a “extended” water fast. I’d say anything over 7 days to be really extended, where you need to take salts and supplements to not cause harm. All that caffeine can give you diarrhea but that should be the worst of it, the probiotics should help with that/recovery.

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