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Gaining weight 16:8 😔

I can’t do anything right. I’m so frustrated and sad. Almost 3 weeks but am gaining weight.

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Try being stricter rather than gastric bypass. That would seem to be the ‘easy’ way, but besides the surgery insult to your body, so many foods will make you sick afterwards. It basically puts you on the most restrictive diet you’ve ever been on! I have friends that have done it and tbh, they look much older now. My hairdresser went through diet hell the first year.

I was 70 (F, CW 162) when I started 16:8IF + keto/ ultra low carb + calorie counting. It took me 10 months to lose 70 lbs following strictly but not increasing exercise.

Cutting out sugar & white carbs really helped curb appetite and I would often go for longer fasting periods wiithout discomfort. Look into keto.

I’ve been at this weight for about a year. I still avoid carb-heavy foods and fast 16:8 but I no longer weigh my portions or track calories/ carbs. I have plenty of energy, no more depression episodes and don’t look a day over 72 (hehe). Stay connected to reddit subs, they were invaluable to me. Good luck.


I am perfectly capable of eating too many calories in an 8-hour window, and skipping breakfast gave me a weird sense of entitlement to overeating. I do a lot better with at most a 6-hour eating window most days plus tracking my intake on MyFitnessPal. Tracking is tedious but it’s helped me shed some weight.


IF won’t make you lose weight, being in a calorie deficit will.If you struggle with eating all day once you start, then having a window like intermittent fasting will help you, but if you’re not in a deficit you won’t lose weight.


Don’t be too hard on yourself. 16:8 is pretty much how everyone ate in the 1970s, before the SAD became an all day graze. It’s maintenance. Use it as a stepping stone to get you to 18:6 or 20:4

Getting yourself out of the all-day graze is a real accomplishment! Be proud of yourself!


Stop drinking juices, if you are under calorie deficit it’s gonna work somehow, if you go surplus nothing is helping you even IF. Look after protein u consume, consume more of it, u wana be fit not skinny at end of IF

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