| | Water Fasting

Giving it a go, but concerned when I go? Possibly TMI.

Hello all! I’ve been doing IF/OMAD for months now and I’m currently 19hrs into my first long fast (shooting for 5 days). Drinking water regularly so far, though I did add 1/2tsp salt and 1/4tsp of nosalt to 24oz per the wiki. that was rough to get down lol

My concern so far is, BM. I’ve had 2 movements today, both have been liquid. Uhh, what’s wrong? Haha. I’ve read never trust a fart, and that’s fine, but I’m wondering if this should be happening so quickly?

Thanks in advance! 🫡

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Too much salt causes unbalanced electrolytes and can cause bloating and digestive issues. It’s happened to me and why I take these electrolyte fasting capsules that have 6 of the major electrolytes you need. Helps me EF’s. https://www.amazon.com/Extended-Electrolytes-Himalayan-B-Complex-Vitamins/dp/B08ZYWC5Q8/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2FKD6DJZI7GDB&keywords=reset+electrolytes&qid=1672797411&sprefix=Reset+%2Caps%2C209&sr=8-3


>I’ve been doing IF/OMAD for months now

>I’m currently 19hrs into my first long fast

You’ve had no similar issues on IF/OMAD? Have you been taking electrolytes?

My guess is overdoing the electrolytes. That seems to be the only variable. I typically don’t take electrolytes at all the first day I’m fasting.

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