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help making a monthly family meal plan


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You’re doing such an incredible job hun and well done for being so organised especially during these times when we all have to stretch that budget even further. There are some amazing channels on YouTube such as Fun Cheap or Free (Jordan Page) who have some excellent ideas, plus Pinterest as well. They also suggest allocating one day a week to using up any leftovers. Do you also have a back up generator in case there is a power cut? Sorry if I didn’t answer the question properly and wish you and your family all the best 😊


We organize our cooking and food shopping in a weekly schedule.

Every Sunday we plan for the coming week. Shopping is Mondays or Tuesdays, one time.

The variation is mainly one day during the week meat and Sundays meat. One day fish. The other 4 days we split the food over two days. Like 1st and 3rd day and 2nd and 4th day. So the food prep is cooking double portion for these days.

In general we go low carb, whole food, low meat, manyvegs in every meal.

The meal planning itself happens in EatSmarter, very good recipes, easy to do and capable to search for seasonal, type, calories, ingredients etc.

The recipes are then linked to Bring!, it imports the recipe and collects the stuff you need. Your shopping list can be matched to the location of the food in your favorite markets. Fruits at the beginning, frozen stuff at the end in example. The shopping lists can be shared among the users, so everyone sees what’s on the list and can add stuff if he/she likes to.

So it’s all very categorized and standardized how we plan and cook. The benefits are that you know what you get and only a one time shopping for the week.

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Categories: meal plan meat fish low carb calories fruit