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How do you fast while making food and while the family eats?

I am trying to alternate-day fasting and I have a family I need to cook for, my kids and my husband. It is not always possible to just leave and distract myself. Does anyone have any tips for resisting food when you have to prep and cook food for a family and you can not just get away from temptation?

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Make crock pot or casserole meals and let them eat leftovers on your fasting days. There is nothing wrong with next day soup, stew, pot roast, roast bird, chili, BBQ, pasta, etc. and they can all be stored, warmed, and served from the same container. Chew gum if it helps.


Well theres nothing wrong with cooking while fasting,it helps build up discipline, just pretend you’re a chef that doesn’t eat what he cooks, i cook while fasting all the time, even when it’s not for me


I struggle with this too, and it’s not the cooking that does it. It’s because it forces me to have to think about food to plan the meal. So it starts in the morning by trying to decide what to cook while I’m trying to put food out of my mind, having to think about it again during preparation. The leftover idea would probably work, so I’ll give it a try.


Don’t cook your favorite foods. I hate spaghetti my family loves it, so that’s what I’ll feed them. I’m not a fan of soups and stews either. Keep the meal extremely simple.

Also it doesn’t have to be a substantial elaborate meal either. You could prepare sandwiches or a charcuterie board the day before so you don’t have to smell food while cooking.


It’s been hard but if you are doing this for weight loss, I snacked on fruits while I cooked and ate fruits with them when they are dinner. 100 grapes will give you 150 calories. I am not fasting that day but also not eating calorie rich food.


My wife normally cooks when I’m fasting. But, I still do it.

It’s easier when I’m not eating to just not have it in my head that I’m eating it and I don’t gear up for the food or get hungrier. I find it much harder to moderate.

While they eat I like to have a tea or coffee to sip on.


I only do OMAD, but honestly I almost never eat with the kids during the week. during breakfast it’s too busy to eat anyway, and during their dinner I’m not too tempted by pb&J anyway. On pizza night, I eat with them 😎


I do ADF and have 2 young kids. I make sure I have something I’m really looking forward to eating the next day that I can plan for. My kids peanut butter sandwiches are pretty easy to turn down in comparison!Also, I think it just gets easier the more you do it. After a while your body knows “I’m not eating today” and it’s seriously not even tempting.


I just trained myself to become dull to the scents.

But if I really need to sit down and put something in my mouth, I go for the shredded caulflower. Shred it thoroughly, put in the pan with a bit if oil and make it soft with some additional water, heat and time.

The result is a rice-like, empty bowl of mostly cellulose and oil. You may add a bit of salt for the taste, but much lesser than you are used to. It is my getaway dish now.

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Categories: tips struggle morning weight loss snack fruit dinner grapes calories tea coffee omad oil