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Hey guys wanted to share my celebration with you all.

I’m a 19 year old 5’6 female. In march 2021 I got to my highest known weight of around 290 pounds (I think it was 290.8lbs). Life was terrible, I was dealing with heart problems, anxiety and lower back pain, (which also caused me to miss a lot of school). Fast forward to October 2021 and that’s when I really decided that enough is enough. This is when I properly decided to start losing weight using intermittent fasting, because before then it wasn’t really serious and the weight loss was very stagnant and on and off. I do either 16:8, fasting or 20:4, (but I try to stick with 20:4)😅.It’s been about a year since I started my journey, I think I was around 280lbs around this time last year. I’m really proud of myself because this morning I weighed in at 215.0lbs, even though binge eating has slowed me down many times, I’ve managed to keep pulling through. I’ve still got a long way to go, but to have lost almost 76lbs from my highest weight, is something that I’m proud of . I really thank God for how far I’ve come.

Anyone out there who thinks they can’t do it ,I promise you can. It may be a slow journey, but you can do it. I suffered with childhood obesity pretty much all my life, so at times I figured that this is just how things would be, but I decided that I’m not going to live like that anymore. I’m 30lbs away from no longer being considered obese, so for now that’s my next big milestone. Wish you guys all the best on your journeys :).

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Girl you lost 76lbs in a year at 19?!! You should be SO freaking proud of yourself! I’ve only been able to lose 30lbs and get into a healthier mindset in my late 20s. I don’t think I could’ve done that at 19. I also started fasting and doing tbe weight loss thing last fall too (Nov. 2021 for me) and its completely changed my life. I don’t even feel like celebrating my weight loss goals with food anymore which is something I thought I would do when I first started losing weight.

I finally got out of the overweight category a few weeks ago and I know bmi isn’t a great indicator of health but its definitely something to aim for and its the BEST feeling to hit those milestones. Congrats and good luck with the rest of your journey!


Great story.

I have been doing a rough 16/8 for ten years now. Even ten years out, the positives are there- weight loss almost being the least important.

I rarely think about food now and eat what I want in my eating window. Yesterday I had ice cram and cake for desert!

Don’t ever go off interval eating. You have to realize that fighting obesity is a mental/learned behavior game. It will take another year or two before you really “hydroplane” on the approach.


Congratulations on your fantastic achievement! So proud of you! Always be kind to yourself, we all struggle along the way; it’s a journey of learning and picking ourselves back up again ❣️

Edit: Typo. I hate typos!

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