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How can i get out of the binge fast cycle ?


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I’ll put a bit of a disclaimer; I’m not anti-carb and I’m not one of the people who advocate dropping carbs alltogether.

Having said that, if you’re having a LOT of carbs after a fast, you’re going to increase your insulin levels massively and that’s going to make you more hungry, which in turn makes your body crave more of those carbs.

A bit of carbs is fine, but moderation is key.


I’ve been there. The inly thing that gets meBack on track, is to do a 24hr or more fast. And cut carbs.

I find carbs specially processed flours and processed sugars addictive as f”

I am working on taking care of this addiction.


It’s the carbs that are making you eat so much. And then you eat more carbs, and you get hungry, and it continues.

When blood sugar is dropping your hunger hormones start to kick up and ask for more carbs.

Cut right back on the carbs. There are so many delicious foods with high fat and protein. This will create a more stable blood sugar and lessen the huge desire for more carbs.

This is the number one reason people fail at fasting and time restricted feeding.

You can do it!


Just going to add to all of the “dump the carbs” comments—you mentioned fat free. Fat free or low fat food is not always the best.

Healthy fats trigger our “satiety” making us feel full and assisting in turning off the desire to eat. Maybe try a day or two of “keto” meals and see if it’s a better fit for you.

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Categories: binge carbs a fast sugar blood sugar keto