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How do I get over being inpatient with end result?

I sit here and I get overwhelmed sort of knowing it’ll take months to my end goal, maybe longer who knows. It’s hard telling myself to trust the process :( I also count the days for some reason, like there’s a certain time this will end? I think that overwhelms me too lol. Helpp

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Shit, I went through the same thing. You just gotta settle in. You’re in this for the long haul. Anything worth while takes time. I look at it like this is something I’m going to use for life. I believe fasting has a lot of positive effects on the body above and beyond loosing weight. Stop focusing on the end and start being present in the now. It’s easier to take things one day at a time. Good luck, you got this!


What works for me is to view fasting as a routine like getting out of bed, washing, brushing you teeth and dressing is my morning routine…..fasting is my eating routine. By making fasting a normal routine, I can just relax and not think about it too much, it gives me back my time and reduces stress. I work evening so I take a small lunch to eat just before my shift, eat on my break and then start my fast. I also find weighing myself stressful too so i use my clothes (work uniform) as a progress guide. I don’t meal prep and I’m not super strict with my diet…. It’s freedom.


Think about it this way. It took a bunch of time to add on the weight you may have put on, so it will take time to get it off as well.

Just focus on a healthy life style, and the results will come in due time.

Don’t think abt the results. Think abt having the healthiest long term life style you can achieve. And the results will follow

Having that is more important. You can always gain weight again, but a healthy life style will ensure that you make progress, and stay healthy / fit

As long as you’re disciplined, count your calories, and do the fasting, you shouldn’t doubt the out come. Just do it


I stopped and started IF because I was also a bit impatient. Once I started focusing on just the routine with no expectations about results I was able to stick to it and eventually see the results I had been hoping for. It takes time but I really think if you set expectations asides you can get through it comfortably.


Once I saw something that said the time was going to pass anyway and where you were when it did was up to you. That put it all in perspective for me. In a few months you can be where you are today or a little closer to your goal. It’s up to you.


I think about myself a year from now, in maintenance, having gone on a few vacations where I didn’t obsess about what I was eating and when, and coming home and resuming the lifestyle vs. being completely derailed by the vacation (as is my normal habit). That helps with not counting the hours.


Hey! Try to sit and think that this is something good and beneficial to you and that this will
have long-term results for you. Try not to think too much that you are not achieving
something or that the progress is too slow because it is different for everyone - it really
depends on a person’s activity level, eating habits, and other things. As u/Luckyprincessuk said, try to view intermittent fasting as your daily routine. Best of luck, you can do it! 👏

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