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Starting IF (again) - SW: 227. GW: 180? Can IF get me down to 200 by the end of the year?

Mid 30sM. 5’11”, 227lbs. My ultimate goal is to get back down to 180, but that will take time.

How realistic is it for me to reach 200 by the end of the year?

  1. Eat out only one day a week.
  2. 16/8. Eat from 11-7pm.
  3. Green tea in the morning (matcha doesn’t break fast does it?
  4. Pretty much no exercise

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Okay this is pretty much the same routine I do.i started at the very end of July. I lost 10 pounds right away, then plateau, now I’m rapidly dropping again. I’d think that 200 would be attainable by the end of the year…..in my non professional opinion.


One cheat meal a week is achievable.

Exercise is not required to lose weight.

You want to lose 47 lbs in 3 months (or so). That’s 15 lbs a month, 4 lbs a week. Yes, that is very achievable.

Your daily activity caloric requirements can range greatly, from like 2,000-2,600 calories for an active job.

If you’re sedentary, IE., minimum requirement 2,000 calories a day, you’d need to eat like, a 444 calorie daily diet. If active, a 1,033 calorie daily diet.

I’m not a doctor.

I lost \~30 lbs in a month following a 1k daily diet, going from 180-150, and was doing light cardio and being semi-busy at work.

The first week is water weight, don’t be daunted if your progress slows down. The hunger decreases week after week.

Regardless what I suggest, go by your own results. Go week by week, check your progress and adjust your diet accordingly. Doctors technically suggest only losing 1-2 lbs a week, but 4 isn’t too far above that.


Yes you can.

I started IF on 6/14 at 224 lbs, I am 6’1”. I am currently at 197 lbs.- (first time under 200 since the early 90’s)

I started 18/6 then went to OMAD, then to 2MAD in a around a 5 hour window, lately back to OMAD. I keep adjusting depending on how I am feeling- 1500 to 2100 cal per day.

Very little excercise, mostly long walks.

On 6/14 I also stopped drinking beer, cut out sweets, eating out and keeping carbs low. So I couldn’t really say what is having the most impact.

Three months ago I would have never believed I would be under 200 lbs, especially this soon.


32F, started IF In January with a slightly different eating schedule than you (3pm-8pm, but more often 5pm-8pm). Started at 215, now 194. I lost 10 pounds in the first month with no Exercise and then 10 pounds over the next 2 months. I’ve been maintaining now but about to start again! Good luck :)

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