When I’m doing rolling 48s, I find dinner time to be the hardest part of my day. Not because I’m hungry, but because dinner feels very symbolic to me. It’s like, sitting down to eat dinner flips the “relax/reset” switch in me.
When I eat dinner, it’s like the workday is finally over, and I can relax and enjoy my evening before bed. When I skip dinner, my day just feels like one long continuation of itself, and I don’t really feel like I can properly wind down.
Does that make sense? It’s like the ritual of dinner helps me partition my day from work / relax. If I don’t eat dinner, it feels like the workday isn’t ever over (even if it is.) I don’t feel that about other meals. Any suggestions on how to deprogram this?
I hear you with the ritual of dinner to switch gears. I would save a specific fasting-friendly drink to sit down with at the same time. Bonus points if it takes a few minutes to create and then some time to savor. Something like a new loose leaf decaf tea that you can brew and linger over, or maybe soda stream some water and macerate in some mint or a add a little lemon juice. If you only let yourself have it at the end of the work day it will feel like a treat and create a similar cue as dinner.
Ya this is one of the biggest problems. Boredom during eating time. Or just feeling out of place mentally.
The other big issue for me is after 3-4 days I start feeling mentally kinda out of it. Even if I take electrolytes or whatever. Coffee can help but I don’t like to drink too much of that.
Change up your nightly wind down routine. Maybe try a shower and then some hot lemon water or herbal tea? It’s warm and filling. You could also find a show to watch a little of or a book to read with your tea and use that as your end of day marker. Hope this helps 🫶🏼 Happy fasting! 🥳