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How Fasting Beats Food Addiction.

Found this to be interesting: https://sohasherwani.medium.com/ramadan-has-made-me-realize-i-eat-when-im-bored-461981a38248

Fasting has helped me personally with food addiction. Anyone else? Personally, food addiction has made me gain tons of weight and has made it hard for me to maintain weight loss. Food addiction isn’t talked about enough.

It’s real and has scientific data behind it. It sucks. Hard to shake. What makes me frustrated is how people see food addiction as an “obese people” problem. It affects millions who aren’t obese! People always see it as people who just can’t stop; lazy pigs who have no self control. What they fail to realize is that there is science behind why it’s so hard for people to stop; especially those with depression and anxiety. For me, eating has been a coping mechanism for anxiety for years and it really is like any other addiction; it’s really hard to stop and has nothing to do with gluttony.

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Also take into account that very fat/salty/sugary food like you have in the USA can definitely be considered as drugs because of the way the brain reacts to it. So talking about “food addiction” is a spot on term!

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