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How long does it take for gut to get use to new diet?


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It shouldn’t actually take that long to get “used” to a new diet, maybe a week or so, just enough time to go through a couple of full eating-to-excreting cycles (roughly 72 hours). However, the benefits of a new diet might take months or years to fully set in.

If you know there are foods that absolutely don’t upset your digestion, there’s no reason you can’t mix them in. Your doctor has recommended following a base of foods that typically don’t cause irritation, which is a good thing overall, but doesn’t necessarily mean every food on that list will be guaranteed good for you personally.


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So i went doctors due to some gut issues and he told me to go on a low fodmap diet to reduce bloating and other symptoms.

The problem is ive been on such a bland boring diet because of this. Only eating rice, different types of meats and increased intake of fibre. (1 month on fodmap diet)

I just realised a new diet can completely fk ur gut up, e.g make it hard to digest, diarrhoea and other upset stomach symptoms.

Now im thinking the diet has caused more bad than good because my stomach isnt use to it. What happens if i slowly incorporate the foods i use to eat (still healthy foods) and know my stomach digests them no problem. Would my stomach take time to get use to those foods again or will it be worse?


I’m on a better eating habit regiments myself and for about the last month have been experiencing diarrhea. About a week ago I started adding in more gut healthy foods and juices such as pomegranate juice beets and ginger. Also yogurt with chia seeds and granola. I’m noticing a significant change. I’ve also been using an app to track my macros and nutrients too and from the looks of things I’m doing mostly ok in everything except I’m coming up short in fiber and iron. I would suggest looking into more gut healthy foods. Best of luck to you.


I did an elimination diet guided by a holistic specialist years ago. I was told initially I should eat a very restricted diet for at least 6 weeks. I could then reintroduce one food item at a time over the course of several days. I was dedicated because of all the symptoms I was experiencing and how miserable I was. I found out that I had a very long list of food sensitivities through blood testing but also there were additional foods that i discovered through a process of elimination. I started to feel better in this time but improved my gastrointestinal symptoms over the next several months. Western medicine recognizes the fodmap diet but everyone has different food sensitivities. Look into leaky gut and elimination diets if you’re in a lot of discomfort.

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