| | Water Fasting

How long were you on OMAD before you plateaued, and what did you change to resuming dropping weight?

I’ve been at it since new years day and I’ve gone from 180.9 to 166.6. I know some of that is water weight, but it can’t all be…so I’m just glad the numbers still slowly but surely creeping down. But I know one day soon it may very well stop as my body continues to adapt and my resting metabolic rate decreases ever further.

I’m reluctant to hit the weights too hard because I get frustrated when the number on the scale goes up at all, even if it’s due to putting on muscle. I know how stupid that sounds, but psychologically I’m not ready for the number to go up for any reason, even if it’s a good reason. I want to hit 160 or even 155 before I’d feel comfortable lifting weights more regularly and with greater intensity. But I was also in a car accident around this time last year which screwed up my shoulder and I’m still recovering, so I need to slowly ween back into things to prevent further injury.

For those here with similar mindsets, how long into your fasting lifestyle did you hit a wall, and how did you manage to push beyond it and continue seeing results?

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Maybe it’s time to track your progress by taking body measurements with a tape. You will still see progress even though the scale isn’t moving. Exercising will also burn more calories. So will having more muscle to maintain. That will increase your daily calorie burn and start to move the scale again, or at least shed some inches on the waistline.


I had this exact situation. I started doing more of and adf schedule and the weight immediately came off again. I do OMAD 4 days, 1 day 18/6, 1 day 36, 1 day 18/6. This is how I will stay until i hit my goal weight. Then I plan on OMAD through maintenance.


I organically plateaued at a 20-ish BMI and ~15% body fat (originally 30-ish @ ~30%) after roughly a year of only OMAD and zero physical activity up until that point. Had I not, I would have transitioned to a laxer protocol, as eating even more in a single sitting without compromising quality felt too challenging and ending up underweight wasn’t my intent. Fortunately that didn’t happen and thus, being the great lover of dull consistency that I am, I keep practicing OMAD half a year later, with the occasional TMAD thrown in whenever in legitimate need of more energy.

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