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How many days in a row for first consecutive 16:8 fasts?

Hi guys ! I had posted awhile ago that I was going to start IF but it took me a couple tries to really get going. But I’m here again- and I am on Day 10 of my 16:8 fasts ( yay ! 😁) … my question is how many should I do of those in a row before I can have one day of like normal eating ? I guess not in a restricted window is what I mean.

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Maybe have Sunday as cheat day but don’t go overboard on when you just started. Like if you’re 5 months into it then you can eat a little bit more each time. I usually do 20:4, but I built up to that. An IF clock is really helpful for beginners. There are several different ones on the play store. Once you get into your lifestyle you can get into the regular motion of when to eat and when not too.


Agree with the other comments that this is a lifestyle. Be flexible with yourself and make it to where it works with your life. Friends want to meet for brunch at 10am? Go for it! Just close your eating window earlier in the evening to make up for it.


I think you’ll find what works for you in time OP. Weight loss and fasting is all about compromises (or lack of them) in terms of what feels sustainable versus how quick you want the weight to come off. Personally I found that after two steps forward, a cheat day would put me one step back. But I also found that being too strict could get miserable. So I tend to avoid cheat days but not go too crazy on the calorie counting.

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