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How to prepare for 48 - 56 hour fast, and some concerns

I want to do a 2-3 day fast but me being me I’m naturally nervous about it as I am with most things. I know fast are very helpful, but the thought of going without food for a few days makes me anxious. I’m worried about gall bladder or appendix issues from not eating food for so long. I never had any issues with either I just worry a lot. I know the gall bladder needs to secret bile often enough for normal operation, what will happen if I’m not secreting bile for a few days?

My main question is how to best prepare for a 48 hour fast in a way that the fast will go smoothly with no issues. What should I eat the day before the fast? Whole foods? Stay away from sugar or carbs? Lean meats? No alcohol?

Also I plan to drink about 2oz black coffee and 4oz green tea the morning of my fast, is that ok?

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I Started weekly 48hr fasts unintentionally. I was two weeks into 16/8 and ramping up to longer fasts because clean fasting with water, black coffee and tea made it easy. I wasn’t hungry one day aiming for a 20hr fast so I kept going to 42hrs. I felt amazing!

I just recommend getting in plenty of whole foods, protein & fats 24hrs before starting and drink plenty of water and get in your electrolytes , salt, potassium & magnesium. Salt helps the most. I take pinches of it to ward off feeling headaches or general feelings of being “off.” When hunger pangs hit, drink a glass of water and keep busy (so important)!I never gave any thoughts to my gallbladder or pancreas. Never had issues with them before and haven’t still. I’ve been doing this for 7 weeks and it really helps tighten loose skin and makes the skin on my face glow!

Don’t think too much on it. Just keep busy and you’ll be amazed at your own power to tackle anything in other things in life.

Good luck!


No easy answer. If you’re able to stay away from foods then do that. Completing a 48 was hard for me because I also happen to be the household’s cook. Black coffee should be ok. I did the black coffee in the morning and it was a hard for me so I switched to mixing strong shots flushing it down with water.

Some people will recommend snake juice. I have no experience with that but many are reporting success.

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