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How was your transition from intermittent fasting to pregnancy?

Currently, I complete between 1-3 24 hour fast weekly ( the amount depends on if I am I attempting to lose for the week or maintain. ) I contribute this method of intermittent fasting to helping me lose almost 100 lbs.

I am hoping to get pregnant soon. I am not considering fasting while pregnant. But I am worried that I will gain back all of the weight that I lost and will have to start all over.

I am sure that there are plenty of women who have gotten pregnant after intermittent fasting. What were your experiences with weight gain after stopping ?

Thanks in advance :)

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IF has been part of my keto/low carb journey for the last 2.5yrs. I fasted about 50% of my pregnancy and ate as healthy as I could when my body told me to eat. I gained 20 lbs, so far lost 11, gave birth on 12/20. It all depends on your diet.

This book also helped me prepare, Lily Nichols is the best RD https://lilynicholsrdn.com/real-food-for-pregnancy/


I started my pregnancy at 123lbs and finished my pregnancy at 148lbs so about 25 lbs, and I think they expect you to gain 15-25 lbs. After I gave birth I actually went down so quickly (within 24 hours, that’s apparently not very common at all, expect to go down by weeks and months), I looked exactly how I did when I was 123 minus the loose skin and stretchmarks.At the beginning of my pregnancy I was actually doing 20:4 OMAD fasting but I started having morning sickness around 5/6 weeks, I noticed I was hungrier than before around 10 weeks or so and so I ate, and I noticed it really relieved my nausea, so I stopped doing IF altogether and made sure to eat breakfast and lunch. The pregnancy also made it difficult for me to eat the large quantites I was eating in one sitting when I was doing OMAD so I natrually ate smaller quantites and ate more often.


Fasting really shouldn’t be something you try especially for the sole purpose of losing weight, it should be a lifestyle choice and commitment. Much like having a child. You will gain it back if you stop, but what is worse is that the good data you’re supplying to your soft rna that you pass on to your newborn will be lost and instead you will impart onto your child the same physical data that you’re trying to get away from. Children are everything. They deserve your best. You should give it to them. Keep fasting. Keep training your body keep exercising and pass on an inheritance to your children that no one can ever rob from them and they’ll never lose.

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Categories: intermittent fasting 24 hour fast weight gain keto low carb omad morning sick lunch losing weight tea