| | Water Fasting

I can't lie, my determination is waning

So I’ve been snaking for some time now let’s say about 3 weeks or so Went from 104 to 98 currently, my lowest has been 97 or well 96.8 to be exact

The issue is, it’s getting harder and harder for me to convince myself to continue

For those wandering what I look like this is me at 99: https://imgur.com/a/yx0BCsv

So any tips on how to stay the path Or should brute force it My aim is to get abs tho, so I’m guessing 92kg would be ideal, then start lean bulking from there slowly

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Are you fasting or doing a snack diet? Your pretty lean and probably don’t need to actually fast to hit your goal. If you are fasting you don’t need to do anything more then 48-72 hours for sure. You have several options.

You could do a medical keto snack diet and eat a few hundred calories when you are hungry, waiting at least 2 plus hours before snacking again.

You could do 22 hour dry fasts where you don’t eat or drink out of a 2 hour window.

You could fast every other day and eat normally on the off day.

It’s a question of how fast you want to hit your goals and what your tolerances are.


Yeah like others said, you dont need to do snake diet or fasts anymore. Go see coles videos where he was preaching eating every 2-3 hours around 6 meals everyday. Do not over eat those meals and then you’ll start getting where you want to be

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