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I have PCOS, will fasting help?

I’m a mess. I’m a 26 year old female who, if grown out, can grow more hair on my chin than my 23 yo brother. I drink coffee daily, so I’m sure that’s not helping. Any advice for me? I’ve been wanting to fast for the last couple of months but I’m breastfeeding and my husband doesn’t think it’ll be good for me and the baby. I’m trying to wean baby off but no progress so far. I think 24-48 hours is doable. What do you think?

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Ouch, that sucks. But I think there’s hope.

Jason Fung has written and spoken about fasting to reverse PCOS. Just google: PCOS “obesity code”

I don’t specifically remember a mention of fasting during breastfeeding - you could email his clinic to ask. Good luck!


I’ve heard fasting can help with hormones and pcos, definitely worth looking into what the others said, but DO NOT FAST WHILE BREASTFEEDING (or pregnant).

You are currently Baby’s only source of nutrition, and proper development is too important to risk. If you’re not taking any in, Baby is not getting any from you. Get Baby weaned first, or even partially on solids is probably fine if the solids is very nutritious stuff like pureed veggies (not a doctor). It sounds like your PCOS is more annoying than harmful, so waiting a few months so Baby will be okay shouldn’t be a problem. If there’s more that you haven’t said and your health is at risk etc and you really can’t wait, maybe supplement formula? Idk, I very much support breastfeeding over formula, but it’s not worth jeopardizing Baby so you can fast.


Feed baby first (I say this as someone who has been in the same spot 3 times and was REALLY desperate to fast). Fat stores toxins that you don’t want passed onto your little one if you’re fasting and dipping into fat stores. If you want to stop nursing for other reasons, do what works for you but if it’s to fast for the PCOS I’d wait a little. Also when you do stop nursing it takes a few months for your hormones to get back in whack so maybe things will resolve anyway?

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Categories: coffee to fast jason fung obesity nutrition