Or is it overhyped?
For example, wild planet sardines in olive oil. Does the nutrition include the oil it’s in?
Book/Websites that dive into the science of what foods to avoid/incorporate, all whilst explaining why.
Are steamed vegetables the same nutritionally as boiled ones? Or is there any nutritional benefit of steaming over boiling since both use water essentially to cook it and don't require oil to cook them?
Any reliable youtubers that talk about food and nutrition?
Looking for good e-books that teach more about bodybuilding type dieting and nutrition.
Hi all, I'm looking for a good scientific based nutrition podcast on Spotify. I'm not looking for entertainment, but rather to educate myself further or learn about new insights of studies. Any suggestions?
The label says red lentil pasta is 335kcal and 25g protein per 100g, and the chickpea pasta is 364kcal and 21g protein per 100g
I usually buy packaged nutmix boxes like Happilo. But do these have equivalent nutrients and health benefits as eating store-bought individual nuts?
Take broccoli for example: for some reason I really hate the stem or branch. But I’ll often bite the head off. Is most of the nutrients in the branches or the head of the broccoli? I often do this with...
if a bag of white bread had the exact same nutritional facts as a bag of 100% whole wheat bread, fiber, minerals, ect. , would they be just as healthy as each other. I'm guessing no due to the germ...
Is it true that peeling potatoes BEFORE boiling them cuts ALL of it's nutrition by half and causes most (not all) of the potassium to leech into the water?
I struggle with chronic seborrheic dermatitis and am wondering if there's a nutritional link? Foods that that make it better/worse? Thanks!
Saw someone say this online, so just wondering
I enrolled in a series of Nutrition Coaching sessions that’s being offered through a local hospital’s fitness center. How can I confirm the quality of coaching from the “Certified Nutrition Coaches”?
What nutrition database do you swear by? Maybe I’m looking in the wrong places, but I can’t seem to find a database that provides all the macronutrient information for fresh food (foods without nutrition labels). I’d prefer not to pay...
Using a food processor and cutting food up very fine, does that lose any of the nutritional value of the food? Mainly asking about vegetables
Weird question, but do garbanzo beans/chickpeas replace the carb or the veggies in a meal? So would chicken, rice and chickpeas be more complete or would chicken, chickpeas and veggies be better overall? Thanks!
Hi! I'm trying to find a nutrition tracker Android app to track my calories, carbs, fats and protein intake, which would have: * very good UX - so that I wouldn't have to click 100 buttons if I want to add a...
How do they calculate the nutrition for a box of assorted chocolates i.e. the Russel Stover Valentines day heart box? The nutrition label just lists the serving as 2 pieces. Is it an average?
It’s technically part of the breast right? Or does it differ like the thighs do to the wings or drumstick?
That has scientific studies to back the claims on?
How important is it that each meal throughout the day contain a variety of nutrition vs eating limited nutritional variety at each meal but varying the types of meals during the day?
I can’t find anything online of what type of iron there is in nutritional yeast. Is it heme or non-heme? Does anyone know for sure?
On my rice box the Nutritional Facts says “Per 1/3 cup (30 g)*” and then at the bottom of the label it says “*1/3 (30g) of rice as prepared without the addition of butter, margarine or salt” What does all...
I was chewing on some gum (as a replacement for a sweet snack) when I looked down and saw the nutrition facts and I wondered the question I asked above. Does it even matter? Does the gum "remnant" left over...
I hear this phrase a lot but I have no idea what it stands for or how do certain foods increase inflammation, like sugar for example. Google isnt really helpful I cant make a solid conclusion out of the information...
Pouring a can of tuna over some pasta. Include the water in the can or no? Does it have nutritional value? Or is it a excess oil/fat that will work agains lean muscle growth? Thanks.
I just did a sales call in regards to the NCI nutrition coach certification, as well as their Coaching Mastery course. It’s a lot of money for me, which is giving me some serious pause about whether it would be...
Is there a tool that takes daily food intake as inputs and outputs likely nutritional deficiencies? Trying to figure out the optimal meal-prep past the macro stage
If it says: per 1/2 cup, is that referring to half a cup of dried noodles or 1/2 of cooked noodles?
I bought a bunch of kimchi and the nutrition label says it has 0 fiber. The kimchi is called "cut cabbage kimchi" pics: https://imgur.com/a/gcDwgTr
I’ve heard off and on over the years that cooked veggies hold no nutritional value. True or false?
Example: I'm drinking a can coke right now. 39 grams of carbs, 0 grams of protein and fat. Nutritional label says the can is 140 calories. But 39x4=156. What am I missing? I've noticed this on quite a few packaged foods....
Let’s say I am adding 70Kcals worth of white wine to my dish but as I cook it down the alcohol evaporates. Does this mean that the energy content of the evaporated alcohol also “leaves”?
Hey all, I really want to be sure I’m eating as many nutrients as I can be. I don’t love tracking calories but how can I track nutrient?
There are so many good nutrition books, but it seems like good podcasts are harder to come by. Does anyone have any recommendations?
I am looking to do self study into nutrition. Can anyone recommend a textbook or two that I could get? Something with an old edition that's not too far out of date would be great because I want to save...
what nutrients are lost in eating the potato without skin? is it a nutritional "mistake" to peel off the skin if additional fiber intake isn't needed?
How do you calculate calories for something like a pizza with no cheese or something that isn’t common but has big changes to the calories and macros? MyFitnessPal is not great at it and dominos is the only restaurant that...
Has there ever been in any controversy behind the reputability of Great Value (Walmart brand) of foods? They tend to be cheaper and if they’re the same in every way as the brand name stuff I’d prefer that but I...
I was buying Hoisin sauce and noticed a label (Lucky Foods Organic Hoisin Sauce) that said it had 9g of carbohydrates (8g of sugar) per 1Tbsp serving (8g of sugar), but at the top of the label is said 15Cal....
I’m in a nutrition class for my undergrad and we have an assignment to pick a research topic regarding anything about nutrition and I’m struggling to pick a specific topic.. if you guys have anything that has sparked your interest...
I am planning to start studying about nutrition. Are there any resources which I refer to which talk about nutrition from basic. Any help would be appreciated.
Costco chicken thighs nutrition label seems quite a bit off.... what do you guys think of this? per 4 oz 130 cal 4.5 fat 22 protein other stores thighs per 4 oz has fat as high as 12 per 4 oz
I’m studying nutrition, I’ve got an exam coming up and I’m trying to cram while I’m at work. Does anyone have any nutrition podcasts that will simply give me facts about nutrients, sources, DRVs etc. without the host going on...
Is it possible macros for 100g combined are above 100g? How? https://imgur.com/a/3n1SFxT
Some time back, I came across a website where you could enter a nutrient and the database would tell you which foods were rich in that nutrient. The database also worked the other way where you enter a food...
Is freshly milled flour healthier? How quickly does flour lose its nutritional value? I intend to include flour based off legumes, nuts etc in this question, so address separately if necessary.
I'm under the impression that some sort of chemical change occurs to grain as it consumed by the yeasts, but haven't been unable to find any resources discussing this topic. From a nutritional tracking perspective simply logging the...
I am new to MyFitnessPal and I have found online and in the app that blueberries have 0.5 grams of total fat. When adding all of the specific fats together, though, the total is only 0.32g. Is the USDA wrong?...
Im not sure if this is the right place to ask this question but maybe someone knows the answer to this. So I bought nutritional yeast a while ago because of this pasta dish I wanted to make (turned out amazing)...
I’m having a hard time getting my nutrition right. How do you calculate your macros in order to eat the right amount of each macro to stay healthy?
Is this normal? A&P covered how dietary cholesterol has little to no effect on cholesterol levels in the body meanwhile majority of the nutrition courses I took taught that it does have a major role in raising cholesterol. Why so...
People tend to drink bone broth for the collagen, minerals, etc. Does Better Than Bouillon (the condensed broth paste) have the same nutritional benefits as traditional bone broth made from scratch?
Has anyone designed such a beverage? Given the admission that some will drink regardless, can an inexpensive, nutritious beverage that includes elements that reduce the harm done to the body (vitamins? something else?) be made available to them?
Is there any app or site that can search up foods based on your needs like the micronutrients + macros. I know cronometer has this function but its a paid feature and preferably i would like a free alternative
My understanding with whole grains like oats or wheat is, once the kernel is broken much of the nutrition is lost quickly as the oils oxidize over the following days. I know that commercially, raw oats are steamed when rolled...
I initially thought to go based off of weight and compare it to what’s listed on the back of the rice package. But then I thought that there’s a lot more water in the cream of rice compared to regular...
I recently bought Cantonese style egg noodle from a local Asian market. Didn’t really care about macros when I bought them, but when I looked on the back, it said that 100g of noodles were 380 calories and 16 grams...
For example, a bag of Russel Stover Chocolate Candy Covered Peanuts mad with Stevia Extract has the servings as: 1 serving = 120 calories 2 servings = 230 calories This is obviously incorrect math but there are many food products that do...
I’m looking for a reputable site to find studies. I keep getting into arguments with people, and little to back up my argument besides “well my textbook says” lol
I know this question gets asked a lot but the research keeps being updated and I'm very confused. So my question is, after all (or little) we know about gut microbiome, do you still use them, if so which...
It seems obvious to me that people who go out of their way to purchase and consume nutritional yeast prefer to have naturally occurring B-vitamins over commonly available multivitamins. Why do most manufacturers "fortify" nutritional yeast with synthetic B vitamins?...
We all know there's food that has no place in large quantities in a healthy diet. Is there a significant difference though between someone who eats ONLY eats food that's considered healthy and someone who largely eats healthy but occasionally,...
I can't seem to find any reliable source for these ingredients. I'm searching mainly on government nutritional database such as USDA Food Data Central, but with no luck.
[https://nutritiondetective.com/](https://nutritiondetective.com/) Sorry if this is the wrong sub. I know they're some crank shit or something, but I couldn't find much info about them. Just curious if anyone has heard of them?
Hello! I might of missed it in FAQs and older posts. I have been seeing posts on specific foods, diets, and ingredients. But I would like to learn more about putting it all together. May I have a recommendation? Is...
I'm talking about the book here and not any of the views of the organization that uses his name. I'm curious to see what people think since most of the criticisms I come across are directed at that group rather...
Hey guys, later this year in autumn i'll begin an intensive 9 month course in nutrition. The diploma is for Fitness Nutrition Diet Specialist. I already have some basic knowledge and i always try to learn new informations but what...
For example the nutrition facts for 100 grams of Black Eyed peas ( [https://imgur.com/a/WDidCOb](https://imgur.com/a/WDidCOb) ) says 0.5 g fat, 21g carbs, 8 g protein and like 300 mg of potassium and sodium. All of this don't even add up to...
This Indian snacks nutrition label states that the serving size is 1 Cup (35g). The last I checked 1 cup does not = 35 grams. Please correct me if I’m wrong f. [Product page](https://www.amazon.com/HALDIRAMS-Haldirams-Bhujia-Aloo-400g/dp/B000MLHM76/ref=mp_s_a_1_5_mod_primary_new?crid=2DE95DBACO1XG&keywords=haldirams+indian+snacks&qid=1678492593&sbo=RZvfv%2F%2FHxDF%2BO5021pAnSA%3D%3D&sprefix=hald%2Caps%2C282&sr=8-5)
I'm currently doing a personal trainer certification from ACSM. We have been advised that personal trainers are not supposed to do meal planning. In this regard, should I do a nutrition certification?
Does anyone have an explanation for why the amount of protein in canned tuna can vary so much between flavours, even within the same brand? For example, here in Australia you can get Coles brand tuna in 95g cans in multiple...
Does consuming less fats equal to body fat reduction?
Hi, I would like if you can recommend some great books about nutrition in your opinion. Specifically about athletic performance and/or holistic way of life ( stretching, mobility, massage, breathing...). I like to branch out so anything related is welcome.
I have a package of coarse bulgur that has a nutrition label saying it’s 80 calories, 3g protein for a 47g dry serving. Link below. Every other package of bulgur I’ve seen online has something more like 150-180 calories for a...
Idk if it's just a USA thing or not but like...they contain calories and macro and micronutrients, so why don't they have nutrition labels? How does one find info on such things when the alcohol websites don't even have it...
Does anyone have suggestions? Overall fitness but especially weight training and body recomposition (combing muscle gain and fat loss). Don’t need anything super detailed, but some good scientific grounding would be helpful. Thanks!
I came across this website today and I can't find any information about their program. It's obviously either a scam or something stupid and obvious, but I'm still curious. https://www.disruptivenutrition.com/
I noticed that on many foods the number of calories is off in relation to what I would expect given kilocalorie yield per macronutrient (4kcal/g protein, 9kcal/g fat, 4kcal/g carbohydrate). For example, a food with 1g protein, 6g fat, and...
Is there an app that will not focus on body shape and fat but instead tracks nutrients and vitamins as a main goal? It seems this type of app is hard to come by.
I bought a bag of organic, sprouted oats from Costco. What effect does the sprouting have on the nutritional quality of the oats? I just wonder if this is a product I should continue to seek out or if I...
some brands have more fat and calories then others, but all around the same protein 46g of protein per 100g for almost all brands some brands have 350 kcal per 100g and others close to 500g between 3 and 18g of fat on...
I just found out my parents boil chicken and carrots for the dogs every week then throw out the liquid at the end. I tried it today and it tastes just like broth with no salt. I was kind of annoyed...
Is there a good app or website where I can input my current diet to check for what might be missing (Vitamins, minerals etc.)
Hi all, 1. I understand there are a lot of controversial topics in today's nutritional science. Like, is red meat good/bad for you, what's the optimal intake of unsaturated vs. saturated fats, etc. etc. It makes sense to me that these...
Hi all, looking to increase protein intake. Are there any vegetarian sources of protein (low in carbs) that may be as nutritionally complete as say chicken or beef? Trying to see what protein sources are complete enough that they can...
Anyone suggest a specific online coaching program I’m looking for something that will keep me a little more accountable….. Thanks!