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If you're fasting, who do you tell? Any other fasting communities?

Always feels better not to do things alone, wonder where else are you taking inspiration? Or sharing your updates etc? Tried looking for online communities but think this is the only safe space as we are anonymously sharing the lows and highs

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Hello there

1st rule of fasting is we don’t talk about fasting

2nd rule of fasting see above..

3rd rule is never trust a fart when fasting

When you tell people you haven’t eaten breakfast they lose their minds. I tell nobody because it’s not worth the hassle


No one. People have been brainwashed to think that fasting is starvation. I’m not gonna explain the whole world and science behind fasting to every single person I know. If somebody asks why I’m not eating for example, I just say I’m not hungry.


I tell pretty much anyone. My SO, friends, family, and co-workers trust my judgement about my health decisions so I’ve never had a problem with this. If anyone did have something else to say about it, I’d tell them that they don’t get a say in my decisions about my body.


When people ask me how I lost weight, I tell them about fasting. I have tried every other diet. You can lose weight, but it’s hard to keep it off. Keto is amazing, but then you reach your target weight and then what? With fasting, I get to enjoy parties and holidays. I can enjoy vacations.


I made the mistake of telling my friends that I have been doing rolling 48s and they were shocked and said I was starving myself. Tried to give them some sources and they denied it before even looking 😂

Be careful who you tell I suppose.


Brought up fasting with an acquaintance who does it like twice a year and he says: “Whenever I tell people I’m fasting, they look at me like I have a dick growing out of my forehead.”

Again, he does this like twice a year. It’s one of the more difficult things to talk about next to politics and religion.


I’m always telling everyone and just explain my motives.

I don’t like attitude of this sub making fasting some weird taboo. Boo hoo your family’s gonna tell you to go to hospital… so what? Just tell them why you believe it’s beneficial and that’s all.

I would advise you to reach out to people you spend your days with. I was really nice surprised by reactions of my coworkers. Some of them even felt inspired by me and started their own journey. It’s nice. Stop gatekeeping it


I work in a nutritional company, I am lucky as my colleague has a PhD in physiology, my boyfriend is completely behind me. They say what I am doing is circumventing bariatric surgery. With my weight and the risks that go with it there are two options: medicinal, surgical or diet. My body has everything it needs. I am careful with the vitamins. I’m on my fifth day of a 14 day fast.


My rule of thumb is the scientific/ medical folk friends, I actually do tell. There is plenty of evidence and nobody is worried about a lady my size not eating for 2 weeks. 2 weeks is my tops out before refeed and reset. The thing no one wants to say is that, this makes virtually no one money. It is the most effective treatment for weight loss and thats a hill I am willing to die on, in thinking data driven mates minds.


Otherwise, it’s my own business.


I tell people close to me and then others as it comes up e.g. when I’m invited to a work lunch. I already don’t or do do things others find extreme so everyone just accepted fasting. The only thing I get push back on is not drinking, which is weird as I never drank with colleagues or even most of the people I know.

Most comments I get about fasting are about how/why etc. People seem genuinely curious about it. They save their judgment for other things.

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