| | Water Fasting

I’m addicted to food.

It keeps coming back. I don’t know what to do. My life is so sad , and the circumstances cause me to resort to food for comfort. I’m on my own and nobody helps me. Less than a month ago I completed an 18 day water only fast without merely any difficulty. Now, it seems if I go more than 12 hrs without eating my body let’s me feel it and I have no energy. Im running out of time…. 🥲🥲

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Hugs to you! I know how you feel cos I’ve also gone through it. My suggestion is to just start fasting, plunge into it and then just stay hydrated. Keep having green teas and black coffees (it curbs hunger and craving) throught the day. Slowly you will notice you won’t feel hungry at all. Fasting helped me a lot with this food addiction! You’ve done 18 day fasting so you got this! So just start and don’t look back! All the best! I know you can do this! 👍👍


patpat we all have lows and highs, recently I tend to consume a lot of food, too. But I found when I chose high protein food instead of sugary foods it became easier to keep control on appetite. Maybe you can try to eat healthier food and see if it goes better


Overeaters anonymous sounds like a great idea! And I’m sorry you’re having problems, I don’t know if you have access to a therapist, but sometimes it helps to just talk about these things.

I don’t know what kind of food you’re eating, but as someone else mentioned… If it’s sugary? White bread, white flour, processed, you know the deal… Perhaps try hard to get away from that. Eat apples! But getting away from the obviously bad for your food could help break the addiction.


If you eat to feel good like many of us, look into Huberman labs and learning how dopamine works. The urge to eat seems to stem from a need to increase dopamine rather than true hunger for me, so things like getting enough sleep, no lights after 10pm and cold showers really helped rein it in. I definitely feel more cravings if I go too long without a cold shower.

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